Favorite Acting Performances
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The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

Will Smith- He plays a man that is down on his luck finding a job. homeless, but has a son too. Somehow he overcomes. Very great movie.
brownheadbarbie's rating:

Remember the Titans (2000)

Denzel Washington- Plays a coach of a football team that is going to put black players with white players. This movie took place when that was unacceptable. This movie is so much more than football. & Denzel does a great job.
Radio (2003)
The Patriot (2000)

Mel Gibson- Plays a family man in the middle of the Revolutionary war. when the redcoats kill his son, he decides to get revenge. Awesome movie.

Tom Hanks- plays a mentally challenged man. Very sad movie, but a great one. Forrest's story will touch you.
brownheadbarbie's rating:

The Town (2010)

Jeremy Renner- him & Ben Affleck rob banks. When him & Ben (which grew up together) stick together, but have rough bumps, it makes a great movie. after i saw this movie, i knew he would get atleast nommiated for an Academy award. guess who was right? i was(:
brownheadbarbie's rating:

Con Air (1997)

Nicholas Cage- when riding a plane filled with inmates (which he is one too, but getting released soon) it gets taken over by the criminals. Nicholas Cage saves the day.
brownheadbarbie's rating:

Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)

Robin Williams- just had a divorce with Sally Feild, can only see his 3 childen very little. He acts & dresses just like a house maid/nanny to see his kids everyday. This movie shows how much he will risk & how far he will go for his kids.
Monster (2003) (2004)

Charlize Theron- plays a prostitue that turns into a serial killer, based on a true story, great movie.
brownheadbarbie's rating:

Glory (1990)

Denzel Washington- one of his earlier movies. but very good war movie! deals with segregation with Morgan Freeman.
Walk the Line (2005)

Joaquin Phoenix- plays Johnny Cash. about love, struggle, drug addiction. he did a fantasic acting performance.
brownheadbarbie's rating:

Christian Bale- after i saw this movie, i knew he was going to be nominated for an Academy award for Best Supporting. guess who was right? i was. he actually won.
brownheadbarbie's rating:

Jack Nicholson- one of his earlier movies. still to this day stands as one of the best horror, spine chilling movies. he played a great crazy man.
brownheadbarbie's rating:

Ray (2004)

Jamie Foxx- my honest opinion after watching this movie is he is a better actor than a singer. true story about Ray Charles, about his singing career, struggle & drug addiction.
Braveheart (1995)

Mel Gibson- he actually directed this film, & did a great job. this movie is about 3hrs long, but its worth it. he just does a fabolous acting job.
brownheadbarbie's rating:

Anthony Hopkins- locked up for being a cannibal/serial killer. but he is a very intelligent doctor. he helps Jodie Foster find a serial killer. he plays a very great spine chilling job.
brownheadbarbie's rating:

American Gangster (2007)

Denzel Washington- plays a true gangster where all he wants is to provide for his family. he is behind a huge drug buisness, which Russel Crowe investigates. great movie. must see.
brownheadbarbie's rating:

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