Creepy Characters That Will Make You Shudder
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Great Expectations (Penguin Classics) - Charles Dickens
Dolge Orlick.
He works at Joe's forge, he is rude, crude, and spends his time ogling Biddy from afar.
He also happens to be dangerous as after a fight with Pip's older sister he tries to kill her by hitting her in the back of the head with a pair of rusty manacles. She survives only to become a drooling, non-sensible vegetable.
He works at Joe's forge, he is rude, crude, and spends his time ogling Biddy from afar.
He also happens to be dangerous as after a fight with Pip's older sister he tries to kill her by hitting her in the back of the head with a pair of rusty manacles. She survives only to become a drooling, non-sensible vegetable.
Harvey's rating:

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey
Billy Bibbit's mother.
She may only appear briefly in the book, but that was more than enough to make me wary of her.
When visiting her son in the asylum Billy talks about leaving the place, getting a job, getting married and having kids all the while he has his head cradled in her lap with her hand petting his hair. When she hears of his plans she laughs and tells him not to be silly then asks rhetorically if she looked old enough to be someone's grandmother.
After the 'Candy' incident when the guys get caught with the stripper nurse Ratched threatens to tell Billy's mother. The guy's nerves shatter and fearing his mother's disapproval so much he commits suicide.
Billy's mom also happens to be a friend of nurse Ratched and had helped her have Billy committed (Be assured that Billy's disorder was mild: agoraphobia, and did not pertain to anything dangerous).
I'm not sure if this was just me but didn't anyone else get a sense that dear old Mom harbored some very inappropriate oedipal love for her son.
She may only appear briefly in the book, but that was more than enough to make me wary of her.
When visiting her son in the asylum Billy talks about leaving the place, getting a job, getting married and having kids all the while he has his head cradled in her lap with her hand petting his hair. When she hears of his plans she laughs and tells him not to be silly then asks rhetorically if she looked old enough to be someone's grandmother.
After the 'Candy' incident when the guys get caught with the stripper nurse Ratched threatens to tell Billy's mother. The guy's nerves shatter and fearing his mother's disapproval so much he commits suicide.
Billy's mom also happens to be a friend of nurse Ratched and had helped her have Billy committed (Be assured that Billy's disorder was mild: agoraphobia, and did not pertain to anything dangerous).
I'm not sure if this was just me but didn't anyone else get a sense that dear old Mom harbored some very inappropriate oedipal love for her son.
Harvey's rating:

To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
The entire Ewell family.
When they are not skipping school, faking rape, condemning innocent men to their deaths or neglecting their children they like to try their hand in the occasional infanticide.
When they are not skipping school, faking rape, condemning innocent men to their deaths or neglecting their children they like to try their hand in the occasional infanticide.
Harvey's rating:

The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Yes, the little girl. You may be wondering: why the adorable little bastard Pearl? Why not Dimmesdale or Mistress Hibbins?
The answer to that is quite easy.
Seriously, it's creepy as hell. I ask you, what sort of child has that sort of insight to the human heart and to others' affairs when she isn't even at the age to be potty trained yet?!
Some might reply that her omniscient nature is due to her unique breeding and symbolic attempt at purity.
But I say it's much more obvious than that.
Yes, the little girl. You may be wondering: why the adorable little bastard Pearl? Why not Dimmesdale or Mistress Hibbins?
The answer to that is quite easy.
Seriously, it's creepy as hell. I ask you, what sort of child has that sort of insight to the human heart and to others' affairs when she isn't even at the age to be potty trained yet?!
Some might reply that her omniscient nature is due to her unique breeding and symbolic attempt at purity.
But I say it's much more obvious than that.
Harvey's rating:

I, Claudius - Robert Graves
Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus.
He may have ruled his subjects fairly but he was a menace to his own family, was easily swayed by evil, and may have practiced bestiality.
He may have ruled his subjects fairly but he was a menace to his own family, was easily swayed by evil, and may have practiced bestiality.
Harvey's rating:

Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami
Johnnie Walker.
...or Kafka's father...I'm not really sure. This story was difficult to understand. All I know is that the guy was killing cats to eat their hearts for some convoluted idea of building a flute out of cat souls.
Death is too good for the likes of him!
...or Kafka's father...I'm not really sure. This story was difficult to understand. All I know is that the guy was killing cats to eat their hearts for some convoluted idea of building a flute out of cat souls.
Death is too good for the likes of him!
Harvey's rating:

Roderick Usher.
He knew his sister was still alive when they buried her, he could hear her screaming from the basement vault for an entire week, but he didn't do a damn thing to save her.
Did I also mention that the Usher siblings might have had incestuous relations together?
(I had read the story years before but never knew this until our teacher pointed it out to us just this semester)
He knew his sister was still alive when they buried her, he could hear her screaming from the basement vault for an entire week, but he didn't do a damn thing to save her.
Did I also mention that the Usher siblings might have had incestuous relations together?
(I had read the story years before but never knew this until our teacher pointed it out to us just this semester)
Harvey's rating:

Middlesex: A Novel - Jeffrey Eugenides
Eleutherios "Lefty" Stephanides and Desdemona Stephanides.
Lefty and Desdemona are actually siblings. Their secluded lifestyle in the village(followed by the war and their escape to the U.S.) pushed them into pursuing a relationship together.
Lefty and Desdemona are actually siblings. Their secluded lifestyle in the village(followed by the war and their escape to the U.S.) pushed them into pursuing a relationship together.
Harvey's rating:

... - .
Jonas's Father.
He worked as a Nurturer; a job that required looking after newborn babies and sometimes entailed killing infants that were deemed unfit to join the community. He did this without actually realizing the significance of what he was doing but it didn't make the act any less horrifying.
He worked as a Nurturer; a job that required looking after newborn babies and sometimes entailed killing infants that were deemed unfit to join the community. He did this without actually realizing the significance of what he was doing but it didn't make the act any less horrifying.
Harvey's rating:

Justine (Alexandria Quartet) - Lawrence Durrell
I guess the author tried to make Justine into a mysterious figure that was wrapped in tragedy and intrigue. But for some reason the character gave me the creeps.
Also, her husband was a few cards short of a full deck.
I guess the author tried to make Justine into a mysterious figure that was wrapped in tragedy and intrigue. But for some reason the character gave me the creeps.
Also, her husband was a few cards short of a full deck.
Harvey's rating:

A list of fictional characters that you would not like to meet.
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(123 lists)list by Nusch
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