To Kill a Mockingbird
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read it in high school, still liked it
Release date: 11 October 1988
ISBN-10 : 0446310786 | ISBN-13: 9780446310789
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"Written by: Harper Lee Published: June 11, 1960 Publisher: Warner Books, Inc. Number of Pages: 281 "Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." That was the only time I ever heard Atticus say it was a sin to do something, and I asked Miss Maudie about it. "Your father's right," she said. "Mockingbirds don't do one thing except make music for us to enjoy."
“Why is it when I pick up To Kill A Mockingbird , I am instantly visited by a sensory memory: I’m walking home, leaves litter the ground, crunching under my feet. I smell the smoke of fireplaces and think about hot cider and the wind catches and my breath is taken from me and I bundle my coat tighter against me and lift my head to the sky, no clouds, just a stunning blue that hurts my eyes, another deep breath and I have this feeling that all is okay.
Why? Why this memory? I mean, this takes place in Alabama and mostly in the summer, well there is that one climatic scene on Halloween, but I bet it’s still hot enough to melt the balls off a brass monkey.
It must be the school thing, my daughter just finished reading it, prompting me to give it another go, to fall back” read more
"Childhood memories, that southern wholesomeness that is quite unique and the reality that life isn’t the same for everyone or what’s written on the post card. "
"The publication of Go Set a Watchman, last year—Mockingbird's sequel, or is it a rough draft?—sowed confusion about everyone's favorite 8th grade reading assignment. But it also drew attention to uneasy mixture at the heart of this book. Along with the unforgettable characters—Scout, Boo Radley—it depicts a small-town South where tenderness, humor, and charming eccentricity flourish alongside vicious racism. Sound familiar? That's why it's a national treasure."
"My mom kept pressing me to read this book since entering boarding school, but I kept putting it off. Finally, my second boarding came around to assigning the class this. I tried not to read ahead (Something that rarely happens) because I was so damn invested. Hope I can get around to reading it sometime again."
"Best Cinematography - Black and White! Winner: To Kill a Mockingbird! Nominees: Birdman of Alcatraz The Longest Day Two for the Seesaw What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?"