Best Japanese Horror
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feels like you're watching a zombie anime. in a good way. the girls are super hot, the nudity is gratuitous and frequent. and as a bonus the story is fast paced and fun.
cute girls. cartoon violence. a shit-ton of blood spray. what more can you ask for? the cover sells the movie perfectly and accurately. if you can look at the cover of the machine girl and think "looks cool" then you will like the movie.
fun campy horror movie. lots of fun facts about sushi. cool unique gore scenes. cute girls. see it. now.
Mutant Girls Squad (2010)
this is a fun little gross out horror flick. lots of over the top violence. not quite as good as the first three movies on this list but if you like those movies this one is worth a look.
Audition (1999)
this one is a slow burn of a movie. it starts off with some auditions to a fake movie. the guy casting it is looking to meet a girl. decent nudity in the auditions. the movie slowly goes from creepy to freaky and then to gory. probably takashi miike's best film.
Versus (2002)
if you like wall to wall action and martial arts all set in a random zombies...then this is the film for you. action packed.
Robo-geisha (2009)
creepy. weird even by japanese horror standards. check this one out. but only if you're into some of the other titles on this list already. i wouldn't start with this film first. this one is more of an acquired taste.
The Big Tits Zombie (2010)
fun movie. good nudity. wish there was more tits but the ones that were there were good. this movie is actually pretty hilarious and in case the title doesn't give it away you could definitely call this film a "horror comedy".
Tokyo Gore Police (2008)
super gross horror flick. lots of blood and exploding body parts. only for those folks with steel stomachs...or no empathy.
Helldriver (2010)
another gross horror movie. but fun. good action sequences. not as good as some of the other titles on this list but worth checking out.
fun movie. the effects were super cheesy but no worse than what you would expect from something like this.
Deddobôru (2011)
fun baseball parody. made me laugh. stars the guy from the movie "versus". good action and whatnot.
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