10 Worst Female Ranger Friendship Episodes
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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993)
Ep. 2x6 - Bloom of Doom
(Kimberly & Trini)![]()
Written by: Cheryl Saban
Head Writer: Tony Oliver
Plot? It's club sign up day and no one is there to sign up for Kimberly's gardening club, while Trini's volleyball club is a big hit. Lord Zedd then replaces one of Kimberly's plants with an evil one, which causes her jealousy to come out in full force.
Why is it Bad? I actually kind of like this episode, but it's still a "girls hate each other episode" which doesn't sit too well with me.
jenndubya's rating:

Hikari Sentai Maskman (1987)
Ep. 41 - Female Thieves Haruka & Momoko
(Haruka & Momoko)![]()
Written by: Hirohisa Soda
Head Writer: Hirohisa Soda
Plot? The girls get injected with a poison and go on a crime spree.
Why is it Bad? I'm trying not to show my bias against these characters, but it's still not the best episode. It also doesn't help that I really can't tell the difference between "evil" Momoko and normal Momoko because she is already a delinquent.
jenndubya's rating:

Chouriki Sentai Ohranger (1995)
Ep. 9 - Suddenly!! A Traitor
(Juri & Momo)![]()
Written by: Toshiki Inoue
Head Writer: Noboru Sugimura
Plot? The girls have a spat while shopping, but then the guys get infected from a monster's poison. Juri and Momo attempt to take on the monster, but after Momo falls, Juri defects and joins Baranoia.
Why is it Bad? While I don't hate it as much on rewatch, it is still a "girls hate each other" episode and, while I love her now, my initial hate for Juri during this was super strong.
jenndubya's rating:

Mahou Sentai Magiranger (2005)
Ep. 8 - You Are the Heroine! ~ Majuna・Majuna ~
(Houka & Urara)![]()
Written by: Michiko Yokote
Head Writer: Atsushi Maekawa
Plot? Houka auditions for a leading role, dragging Urara along to help her, but Urara ends up winning the role instead.
Why is it Bad? While not really a bad episode, I just can't get over that the girls earn a new "power up" and it ends up being POM-POMS!
jenndubya's rating:

Ep. 30 - The Birthday Celebration
(Kagura & Mio)![]()
Written by: Akatsuki Yamatoya
Head Writer: Yasuko Kobayashi
Plot? Kagura remembers that it's Mio's birthday and puts together a surprise party and secretly bakes her a cake.
Why is it Bad? While a perfectly serviceable story, I am putting it on this list for the sole reason of Kagura finally gets to use the power up but has to literally share the armor with Mio. And neither of them ever get to use the power up again.
jenndubya's rating:

Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger (2011)
Ep. 23 - People's Lives are Earth's Future
(Luka & Ahim)Written by: Junko Komura
Head Writer: Naruhisa Arakawa
Plot? Luka starts treating Ahim like her little sister and they run into a pregnant lady who is about to give birth.
Why is it Bad? Ignoring all of the wasted potential for an awesome Gokai Change spam (they didn't change into a single duo that is eligible for this list), and squandering it with a sequence of "family teams" (two of said teams did not even get a full team transformation despite the focus on family), the returning guest star this episode is the most shoehorned of any guest star with a "tribute" episode. Then add in the fact that the writers introduce a new relationship trait for the girls out of nowhere that disappears just as quickly.
jenndubya's rating:

Ep. 5 - United We Stand
(Emma & Gia)Written by: Jill Donnellan
Plot? The girls travel out into the woods to take pictures of a rare flower, but coming back from the 1-hour photo center, a monster casts a spell to make them hate each other.
Why is it Bad? Not only are "make the girls hate each other" episodes usually bad, but the monster is horribly misandrist and Emma goes against her best friend's wishes by putting a photo of her in the newspaper.
jenndubya's rating:

Power Rangers Turbo (1997)
Ep. 42 - The Rival Rangers
(Ashley & Cassie)![]()
Written by: Judd Lynn
Head Writer(s): Judd Lynn & Jackie Marchand
Plot? A boy named Bobby comes to pick up his little sister from Ashley's dance class, and Bobby just so happens to have two tickets to the upcoming dance and no date. Meanwhile, Cassie also has a crush on Bobby and tries to win him over.
Why is it Bad? They! Are! Fighting! Over! A! Boy!
jenndubya's rating:

Gekisou Sentai Carranger (1996)
Ep. 6 - We Are... One-Way Traffic
(Natsumi & Youko)![]()
Written by: Yoshio Urasawa
Head Writer: Yoshio Urasawa
Why is it Bad? The girls just flat out can't stand each other for practically no reason whatsoever. It's really bad.
jenndubya's rating:

Power Rangers in Space (1998)
Ep. 33 - A Rift in the Rangers
(Ashley & Cassie)![]()
Written by: Judd Lynn
Head Writer(s): Judd Lynn & Jackie Marchand
Plot? The girls get into an argument over the chores while the female Psycho Rangers also can't get on the same page.
Why is it Bad? This episode makes Ashley out to be The Worst™ with her blatantly disrespecting her "best friend" and then lying about doing her own chores. And, while they do "make up" at the end, they're just transferring the shitty friendship onto someone else. They don't learn anything.
jenndubya's rating:

While Power Rangers & Super Sentai are primarily boy-focused, they do sometimes have episodes all about the female characters on the show. Some horrible, but some surprisingly excellent. These are the worst of the worst.
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