Character Theme Songs
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Boy Meets World (1993)
Character: Eric Matthews
Theme Song: Good Lookin' Guy
Actual Song? No. Eric made it up in Hair Today, Goon Tomorrow.
When a crime breaks out
All the cute girls shout
"Get the 'Good Lookin' Guy'!"
Theme Song: Good Lookin' Guy
Actual Song? No. Eric made it up in Hair Today, Goon Tomorrow.
When a crime breaks out
All the cute girls shout
"Get the 'Good Lookin' Guy'!"
jenndubya's rating:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993)
Character: Tommy Oliver
Theme Song: Go Green Ranger, Go and White Ranger Tiger Power
Actual Song? Yes. Both are performed by Ron Wasserman.
Goldar's gonna get you tonight
Don't let Lord Zedd put a spell on your mind
Character: Rita Repulsa
Theme Song: Rita, Rita, Rita
Actual Song? Yes, it's performed by Ron Wasserman.
Character: Lord Zedd
Theme Song: Lord Zedd
Actual Song? Yes. Ron Wasserman performs this as well.
Theme Song: Go Green Ranger, Go and White Ranger Tiger Power
Actual Song? Yes. Both are performed by Ron Wasserman.
Goldar's gonna get you tonight
Don't let Lord Zedd put a spell on your mind
Character: Rita Repulsa
Theme Song: Rita, Rita, Rita
Actual Song? Yes, it's performed by Ron Wasserman.
Character: Lord Zedd
Theme Song: Lord Zedd
Actual Song? Yes. Ron Wasserman performs this as well.
jenndubya's rating:

Power Rangers Zeo (1996)
Character(s): Trey and Jason
Theme Song: Go Gold Ranger
Actual Song? Yes. The song is performed by Jim Cushinary.
Quick as lightning, strong as steel
Watch out danger, he's for real
You know when lightning strikes it's Gold Ranger
Theme Song: Go Gold Ranger
Actual Song? Yes. The song is performed by Jim Cushinary.
Quick as lightning, strong as steel
Watch out danger, he's for real
You know when lightning strikes it's Gold Ranger
jenndubya's rating:

Power Rangers in Space (1998)
Character: Zhane
Theme Song: Silver Ranger
Actual Song: Yes.
Theme Song: Silver Ranger
Actual Song: Yes.
jenndubya's rating:

The Simpsons (1989)
Character: Plopper
Theme Song: Spider-Pig
Actual Song: No, Homer made it up in the feature film.
Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig
Does whatever a Spider-Pig does
Theme Song: Spider-Pig
Actual Song: No, Homer made it up in the feature film.
Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig
Does whatever a Spider-Pig does
jenndubya's rating:

A list of television characters that have their own theme songs. Whether they be actual songs or something the actual character came up with.
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