The Kindergarten Teacher (The Kindergarten Teacher) (2018)
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A good movie

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“(MU) Gran historia de varias capas, desde la pedofilia hasta la manía de grandeza y el snobismo histérico de un profe de kinder, un esposo indolente y un profe Gael que se hace el purista; el niño desconcierta igual que Maggie desdoblándose como culpable e inocente colaborando con su detención” read more

" Maggie Gyllenhaal as Lisa Spinelli "
“I wasn’t really sure what to expect from this flick but since it was starring Maggie Gyllenhaal, I thought I might as well check it out. To be honest, I wasn’t really sure what it was really about before watching this movie and I have to admit that I was actually expecting something like ’Good Will Hunting’ and that the story would be dealing with a child prodigy who was discovered by his kindergarten teacher. However, this movie turned out to be after all more about the teacher herself then about her student but I think this unexpected approach was quite intriguing. Indeed, even if this woman seemed to have it all together at the beginning of the movie, she slowly started to unravel when she discovered this genius kid. At first, she seemed to have the best intentions but, from the” read more