The Last Stand (2013)
list by VierasTalo

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The Arnie comeback we've been waiting for!
An average movie

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"6.12. Nuoruus on katoavaista ja niin myös pidäkkeetön Arnold-fanitus. Aikanaan tämä tuntui hyvältä comeback-rymistelyltä, mutta ilmeisesti Arska-huumassa ei esim. muskeliautolla kiitävä Fast & Furious -kartellipomo ollut spede ilmestys. Western-henkinen loppumittelö on edelleen ihan onnistunut. Peter Stormarelta niljakkaat metoo-pahismeiningit irtoaa tehtaan takuulla."
“Following the end of his political career, Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to make his comeback in the movie business and after showing up in two installments of 'The Expendables' franchise, it was time for his first starring role in 10 years so I was quite curious to seen the end-result. Well, to be honest, I thought the whole thing was eventually rather underwhelming. Apparently, they decided to go for some kind of modern Western which wasn't a bad idea but, to be honest, I was rather bored through the whole thing. First of all, even though Arnold Schwarzenegger was supposedly the big star here, he didn't have so much to do here and there was plenty of supporting characters, all more or less equally tedious, to take over as much running time as possible. Concerning Schwarzenegger, he” read more