Rec (2007)
list by diabolical dr voodoo
list by Hootsaidtheowl
list by Drako Z
list by natha3l
Rec (2007) Videos
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Terrifying horror film that w[Rec]ks your nerves!
To most horror... read more
Reccomended Rage.
"REC" turns on a young TV reporter and her cameraman who cover the night shift at the local fire station...
Manuela Velasco: Ángela Vidal
''Good evening, this is Angela Vidal speaking. Tonight, as usual, we will share this time...''
... read more
Whatever You Witness..... Never Stop Recording.
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" Rec (stylized as ; short for "record") is a 2007 Spanish found footage horror film co-written and directed by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza. The film stars Manuela Velasco as a reporter who, with her cameraman, accompany a group of firefighters on an emergency call to an apartment building to discover an infection spreading inside, with the building being sealed up and all occupants ordered to follow a strict quarantine. REC" turns on a young TV reporter and her cameraman who cover the ni"
"Watched on: May 15th, 2024. It was pretty good. Probably made the right choice in making it short as well, any longer and it would've just dragged too much and overstated its welcome. Overall, the scares are there and the gore is top-notch, acting is realistic enough. Yah, it's alright."
"A television reporter and cameraman follow emergency workers into a dark apartment building and are quickly locked inside with something terrifying. In stark contrast to the new era of horror, we have the very best of the 2000's favorite sub-genre, the found-footage film. This movie will show you the value of the jump scare. If you enjoy being scared, this is the one for you on this list."
" Date: 4/25/2022 Viewed: Amazon Prime Re-watch Note: I hadn't seen this film since the late 2000s, and I wanted to rewatch it. REC isn't my favorite found footage movie, but it's still a good one. I've always admired the fact that the movie was shot on location rather than on sets. It lends a sense of realism to the film. REC has a fantastically frightening atmosphere, with everything feeling claustrophobic. The characters are trapped inside an apartment building, which gives the film an atmos"
"Hey, you put do that camera! How else are you going to escape, the undead?"
"(ANNOYING BUT) ACCLAIMED MOVIE! Review coming soon... *Official 2020: A Movie Odyssey entry, by Dr-Faustus* *One of Edgar Wright's "1000 Favorite Movies"* "
" Directed by: Jaume Balaguero and Paco Plaza Produced by: Carlos Fernandez and Julio Fernandez Written by: Jaume Balaguero, Paco Plaza, nd Luiso Berdejo Cinematography: Pablo Rosso Edited by: David Gellart Song and lyrics by: Carlos Ann Distributed by: Filmax Releasing "
"1.3. DVD Uusintakatselu. Alusta loppuun kasvattaa tasaisesti kierroksia ja kiristää tunnelmaa. Viimeiset minuutit ovat yhä varmaankin aidoiten (ts. hyökkää rajusti päälle, ei alitajuntaan) pelottavinta, mihin elokuva on kohdallani pystynyt. The Descent pahimmillaan yltää toki lähelle vastaavaa lamaannuttavaa vaikutusta. Autenttisuus ja tv-kaksikon uppiniskainen tarve saada kaikki paitsi itse määrittelemänsä "tylsä" kuvattua (huom. eivät haluttomia auttamaan tai muutoin osallis"