yord's Favorite Video Game Platforms
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PC - Game Hardware
Old reliable. Might take a few patches to get the game running, but I've always preferred the power to upgrade, tweak, and customize my games--and play online for FREE. Plus, no other machine allows you to mod. PC #1!
yord's rating:

Nintendo 64 - Game Hardware
Easily trumps any other console with nostalgia points, plus the first console to have four controller ports built in. And the last one to use the trusty, durable, and my personal preferred choice for games--the game cartridge.
yord's rating:

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) - Game Hardware
Lots of classic games and time eaten up by this rig. Glad to see a lot of them being ported to the Virtual Console, though I would love to have my old system back to play it the way it's meant to be played! Also, love the cartridges. Bring back the cartridges! Let's use flash drives or something. Fuck these easily damaged CDs/DVDs/Blurays.
yord's rating:

Microsoft Xbox 360 - Game Hardware
This rig is not #4 because of the hardware inside--in fact, it is notorious for shitting the bed decades before an SNES or even a NES would--but for the huge library of great games and the online play (wish it was free). I have also been quite pleased by the resurgence of co-op play, and as of late, the 360 has been my console of choice to experience them.
yord's rating:

Sony PlayStation 3 - Game Hardware
While I haven't appreciated the Bluray technology on my 200lbs CRT TV, I have had a great time playing through Fallout 3, GTA IV, Infamous, Uncharted, Arkham Asylum, Modern Warfare, BioShock and more, and the UI is pleasing. Not many PS exclusives that I was interested in, but that's alright.
yord's rating:

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive - Game Hardware
Classic system that managed to mimic the SNES while keeping a personality all its own. Great memories of renting games for this system over and over, classics like Bonanza Bros, Sonic, General Chaos, and ToeJam and Earl. I earned many a blister on that huge controller.
yord's rating:

Microsoft Xbox - Game Hardware
Ahh, the infamous 16-man Halo LANs! I must have been to at least a dozen of them, and they were a hoot every time. Add in a few memorable cross-console releases, and we are left with a solid (and notoriously bulky) rig.
yord's rating:

Nintendo Game Boy Classic - Game Hardware
The only pocket console I've ever owned, and it was years after the Game Boy Color was released. Bought it for Pokemon and didn't play anything else on it--other than Tetris. My bus ride home from school became a constant search for Snorlax...
yord's rating:

Sega Dreamcast - Game Hardware
I was enticed to buy Sega's doomed console by the quality of the graphics and the quirkyness of the game library they were offering--Jet Grind Radio, Shenmue, Soul Calibur, and Seaman being my prime games. Too bad it never caught on.
yord's rating:

Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) - Game Hardware
My first console was almost exclusively used for Mario Bros and Duck Hunt alone, and there is absolutely no problem with that.
yord's rating:

Nintendo Wii - Game Hardware
I don't own this console, but I have played it enough where I feel like I have owned it. The unique controller may or may not be a fad, but some of the games designed around it are a hoot to play (I'm looking at you, Wario Ware and Raving Rabbids).
yord's rating:

PlayStation 2 - Game Hardware
Bought it, but never really got too into it, since it was just before the XBOX was to be released. There is a huge library of games that I never got a chance to play that I still intend to check out--Ico and Shadow of the Colossus being the top two on that list. Thankfully I can play them on my PS3 now!
yord's rating:

PlayStation - Game Hardware
I got this rig on the cheap specifically to play Metal Gear Solid. Totally worth it!
yord's rating:

Nintendo GameCube - Game Hardware
The only console on this list that has no truly great memories linked to it is the GameCube. I hated Double Dash and I honestly can't think of any game that I enjoyed or cared to play on this machine.
yord's rating:

A list of my favorite consoles and platforms, from best to not best.
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