Watched in 2017 (with pics, notes, lists)
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Passengers (2016)

It's supposed to be a tribute to Stanley Kubrick - a little of 2001: A Space Odyssey, the bar set resambling the one in Shining - but actually Passengers is disappointing, often boring and generally closer to a young adult flick than a real sci-fi movie.
Aira's rating:


It's Tim Burton, whatever it means. The story - based on a YA fantasy novel - is meaningful: it's about embracing and valuing diversity. But as a movie, it doesn't add any originality in Burton's works.
Aira's rating:

Jackie (2016)

The correlation between reality and fiction, the sublimation of facts in legend, is the supporting and obsessive theme of the whole movie. A definitely inflated theme that Larraín, however, is able to deal by bringing the film in a border area, creating a hybrid work that mixes the accuracy of the documentary with a theatrical mis-en-scene... [full review in Italian here]
Aira's rating:


The Guest (2014)

Surely entertaining. There's a lot of suspense. But there's also a lot of those moments... you know, when you can't decide between "seriously!?", "wtf!?" and "are you freaking kidding me!?" So I guess my review should be: !?
Aira's rating:

The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

Great performance by Meryl Streep, good Anne Hathaway and Stanley Tucci. But I hate the fashion world and the first part of the movie is really, really annoying.
Aira's rating:

The Ticket (2017)

A parable enhanced by Dan Stevens' performance. But the pace too slow and the end too predictable ruin everything.
Aira's rating:

Colossal (2016)

Colossal is the movie you'd never expect. It promises to be a monster movie, but it's not. It promises to be the classic stupid comedy, but it's not. It promises to talk about the alcohol "monster" but it's real theme is every way a man can be violent against women, and even how a woman can be violent to herself... [full review in Italian here]
Aira's rating:

La La Land (2016)

Fatti a nnòmina e vo cùcchiti (Sicilian for "make a name and go to bed", it means that once you have a famous name the actual quality of your work doesn't really matter). Gorgeous, gorgeous cinematography but such a cheesy plot with some boring dialogs. Ryan Gosling is always good. Emma Stone... well, she's so nice.
Aira's rating:



Bis (2015)

Not the most original movie in the world. The same old story about turning back time and try to fix what's wrong in the present.
Aira's rating:

Seriously??? I figured out who the killer was and how it was going to end in about ten minutes. Wasted time :(
Aira's rating:

Anesthesia (2015)

What a drag! A good idea developed in such a boring way. Some good monologues don't save the whole movie.
Aira's rating:

Aira's rating:




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