Petition - Remove the Points System
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During the early days of Listal the points system was great idea to reward users for adding the best quality content to the site. In more recent times however many Listal users feel the points system has become a hindrance, as it has lead to trolls and point whores randomly rating items, creating poor quality lists and posting numerous unwanted and duplicated images in order to climb the site’s ranks.
Removal of the points system may not solve the site’s problems overnight, but I do believe it is a step in the right direction.
By creating this petition I mean no disrespect to Tom nor do I get any joy out of making it, but I feel action must be taken.
I also want this petition to represent that Listal's users want this to be a site in which people express and share interests and passions, not a battleground in which people compete for points. Personally I believe the best reward system is the admiration and respect earned by fellow Listal members, not a number or a rank.
The following petition does not involve the removal of the voting system, which I believe should remain intact as a method rewarding content despite the possibility of it too being abused.
If you support the removal of the points system then please sign your name in the comments section which will be added to this list. You may also write an additional comment which I will also add beside your name.
If you object to the aims of this petition then you are free to state your reasons in the comments section.
Removal of the points system may not solve the site’s problems overnight, but I do believe it is a step in the right direction.
By creating this petition I mean no disrespect to Tom nor do I get any joy out of making it, but I feel action must be taken.
I also want this petition to represent that Listal's users want this to be a site in which people express and share interests and passions, not a battleground in which people compete for points. Personally I believe the best reward system is the admiration and respect earned by fellow Listal members, not a number or a rank.
The following petition does not involve the removal of the voting system, which I believe should remain intact as a method rewarding content despite the possibility of it too being abused.
If you support the removal of the points system then please sign your name in the comments section which will be added to this list. You may also write an additional comment which I will also add beside your name.
If you object to the aims of this petition then you are free to state your reasons in the comments section.
Total Signatures - 67
1. Michael M
2. Coby
3. Prodigal Son
4. lotr23
5. kgbelliveau
6. JourneybyTrain
7. Yossarian
8. Lamourderer
9. Winters
10. thenoah
11. CD Smiles
12. the giraffe
13. moviewatcher122
14. Severin Severin
15. Ruisperkele
16. Nebb
17. Gerru
18. VierasTalo
19. ToniJJJ
20. yrjaenae
21. TheNameless
22. Joizo
23. Mr. Saturn
24. Leiska
25. ape
26. Cuomi
27. Aprakadabra
28. LordDarkrai
29. Mihail
30. Nosoki
31. drugs
32. Eleanor
33. Tiiviste
34. Petri
35. Cleon
36. Nacca
37. Umpikuja
38. brazilfashion
39. Banaanipalmu
40. dannyjai - "When you say about keeping the votes, some people have fake accounts to vote for their stuff, which means that system is being abused as well.
To have a site with excellent content, I think you need to remove all points and votes."
41. LenX
42. Maggie - "I like having votes, though, and wouldn't choose to get rid of those."
43. luuhs - "I've said this once before and I'll say it again, I think this website has started out with the purposes you've mentioned above, for people to be able to express themselves, write things about what they like/dislike and be able to interact with others that share the same sort of interests as them, and the point system and the idea of climbing up the ranks has perverted that idea, in which people absolutely disregard the work put behind a list or whatever you post only for the numbers. It doesn't matter whether a person really likes what you're doing or not, all that matters is having votes, and I think that's sad...
Being able to vote on contents is really nice so you have an idea of people who have enjoyed what you're doing and I think that would suffice."
44. Emlaraal
45. Onion Jack - "If it comes down to current points system or no points system, then of course the only option is no points system, but I would prefer to see an overhaul rather than a removal. Reviewing, rating and tagging should not be rewarded with points. Whether image uploading should be is something that I am not sure about. I like the idea that those who take the time to upload images get rewarded, but I don't like masses of almost identical images posted for the sake of a few points. I also think that there could be some benefit in awarding points to those who report inappropriate content. The site just needs tweaking to make best use of the points system, so that it encourages users to improve the site rather than ram it into the ground. So, in short... I support this petition if there is no option for an overhaul of the current system.
Edit - I've changed my mind, I fully support the removal of the points system, any fix of the current system would just result in people looking for new ways to play 'the game'."
46. NGAtti
47. Sindidunian
48. Redwood
49. AesthetiX
50. Wendel
51. Harmonica
52. Suvi
53. Yoko Factor
54. Smelly Cat
55. samcro
56. diabolical dr voodoo - "Lots of fake profiles and spammers will vanish, and Listal will improve immensely!"
57. Phantom
58. Vergil x Dante - "I've felt that the points system should be abolished for quite a while now...years actually! I think it'd be better for Listal."
59. Rath - "The points system is increasingly adulterated and the valuable contributions are buried by a large avalanche of another fraudulent and unsubstantiated, of point whores, as well said Michael M."
60. hal9000
61. Alice Grayson Wesker
62. Taker90
63. Rubiconman
64. jaytoast - "Keep votes, end points :)"
65. Rocconeverdies
66. Jpit
67. BurningHammer
68. Penguin
69. Marco - "i agree with Jaytoast delete points and keep list votes"
1. Michael M
2. Coby
3. Prodigal Son
4. lotr23
5. kgbelliveau
6. JourneybyTrain
7. Yossarian
8. Lamourderer
9. Winters
10. thenoah
11. CD Smiles
12. the giraffe
13. moviewatcher122
14. Severin Severin
15. Ruisperkele
16. Nebb
17. Gerru
18. VierasTalo
19. ToniJJJ
20. yrjaenae
21. TheNameless
22. Joizo
23. Mr. Saturn
24. Leiska
25. ape
26. Cuomi
27. Aprakadabra
28. LordDarkrai
29. Mihail
30. Nosoki
31. drugs
32. Eleanor
33. Tiiviste
34. Petri
35. Cleon
36. Nacca
37. Umpikuja
38. brazilfashion
39. Banaanipalmu
40. dannyjai - "When you say about keeping the votes, some people have fake accounts to vote for their stuff, which means that system is being abused as well.
To have a site with excellent content, I think you need to remove all points and votes."
41. LenX
42. Maggie - "I like having votes, though, and wouldn't choose to get rid of those."
43. luuhs - "I've said this once before and I'll say it again, I think this website has started out with the purposes you've mentioned above, for people to be able to express themselves, write things about what they like/dislike and be able to interact with others that share the same sort of interests as them, and the point system and the idea of climbing up the ranks has perverted that idea, in which people absolutely disregard the work put behind a list or whatever you post only for the numbers. It doesn't matter whether a person really likes what you're doing or not, all that matters is having votes, and I think that's sad...
Being able to vote on contents is really nice so you have an idea of people who have enjoyed what you're doing and I think that would suffice."
44. Emlaraal
45. Onion Jack - "If it comes down to current points system or no points system, then of course the only option is no points system, but I would prefer to see an overhaul rather than a removal. Reviewing, rating and tagging should not be rewarded with points. Whether image uploading should be is something that I am not sure about. I like the idea that those who take the time to upload images get rewarded, but I don't like masses of almost identical images posted for the sake of a few points. I also think that there could be some benefit in awarding points to those who report inappropriate content. The site just needs tweaking to make best use of the points system, so that it encourages users to improve the site rather than ram it into the ground. So, in short... I support this petition if there is no option for an overhaul of the current system.
Edit - I've changed my mind, I fully support the removal of the points system, any fix of the current system would just result in people looking for new ways to play 'the game'."
46. NGAtti
47. Sindidunian
48. Redwood
49. AesthetiX
50. Wendel
51. Harmonica
52. Suvi
53. Yoko Factor
54. Smelly Cat
55. samcro
56. diabolical dr voodoo - "Lots of fake profiles and spammers will vanish, and Listal will improve immensely!"
57. Phantom
58. Vergil x Dante - "I've felt that the points system should be abolished for quite a while now...years actually! I think it'd be better for Listal."
59. Rath - "The points system is increasingly adulterated and the valuable contributions are buried by a large avalanche of another fraudulent and unsubstantiated, of point whores, as well said Michael M."
60. hal9000
61. Alice Grayson Wesker
62. Taker90
63. Rubiconman
64. jaytoast - "Keep votes, end points :)"
65. Rocconeverdies
66. Jpit
67. BurningHammer
68. Penguin
69. Marco - "i agree with Jaytoast delete points and keep list votes"
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