My Favorite NES Games
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Super Mario Bros. 3 - Famicom and NES
Everything you can wish for a Nintendo game, if you play it through without short cuts it takes quite a while, the levels and power ups are really imaginative.
armok's rating:

Mega Man 2 - Famicom and NES
First NES game I liked, and the best Mega Man game in my opinion, it has kick ass music, perhaps it's the first game I can remember because I like the fact that you can play the levels in any order.
armok's rating:

Mega Man 4 - Famicom and NES
The second best Mega Man game, still has good music and the robot masters aren't yet stupid (Hello Plant man and Sheep man).
armok's rating:

Mega Man 3 - Famicom and NES
I also had Mega Man 3 when I was young, it's the third best Mega Man game of the classic series, also the second NES game I managed to finish.
armok's rating:

Bucky O'Hare - Famicom and NES
"What's Bucky O'Hare you might ask" It's a really good action platformer, it has some aspects that remind me of Mega Man games, except that you don't change your weapons, but whole character. It has pretty good graphics and nice soundtrack.
armok's rating:

Little Samson - Famicom and NES
I don't know which one I liked more Samson or Bucky, but I chose Bucky just because I bought it before Samson, Samson was my last game for NES, I liked it alot. It's not one of the most known NES games, but earns it place on my top-list, why? The characters are really imaginative. a boy that shoots bells, a dragon, a golem and a mouse that drops bombs. I also loved Samsons theme song in the game.
armok's rating:

The Legend of Zelda - Famicom and NES
When I saw the used Golden Zelda cartridge I had to have it. I instantly liked the game, even though there's games that have better graphics and music it is still a great classic and a hard one as well. I remember buying a magazine that had the map of Hyrule and all the secret places.
armok's rating:

Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - Famicom and NES
I'm one of those guys who rate Simon's Quest higher than the classic style Castlevanias, I like the RPG aspect of the game. I also remember skipping school once when we had sports day, and playing through Castlevania II in my friends house, when his hot cousin was there to "babysit" him.
armok's rating:

Super Mario Bros. 2 - Famicom and NES
Even though it's not "real Super Mario game" I didn't even know it the time I was a kid. It was just a great sequel of Super Mario series. The fact that you can choose the character is once the thing that made me a fan of the game.
armok's rating:

Adventure Island II - Famicom and NES
I totally forgot to add Adventure Island 2 into this list so I just add it now, the list isn't an even number though, I might even make it top 30 list at some point. I've played a lot of AI2 it's a really good and long platformer, I don't think I ever made it past the second last island. First 3 Islands are really easy but then the game gradually gets a bit harder. I don't really like this games music a lot, but it has nice graphics for a NES game, the world is happy and colorful.
armok's rating:

River City Ransom - Famicom and NES
Even though this wasn't available on NES where I live, I only got to play it through emulator. It's a really good game, and I was surprised when I noticed that the characters look excatly the same as in Nintendo World Cup. Later found out that this is one game of "Kunio-kun" series, that mostly has sports games. RCR is great when played with co-op.
armok's rating:

Metal Gear - PC Games
I feel asleep. It was one hard sonuvabitch, but I played it through with friends and with help of Nintendo Power Magazine, it also has great music. It was a nice change for all the platformers on NES.
armok's rating:

Shadowgate - Famicom and NES
Perhaps one of the first horror games ever, a really hard game that we had to play through with dictionary when in elementary school. I really seem to notice that I really like NES games based on the music they have, because that is a big part of a game when the graphics are simple.
armok's rating:

Bionic Commando - Famicom and NES
My friend had Bionic Commando, I first didn't like it because the character didn't jump, but once you get used to it, it's a really good game. I think I never finished it though.
armok's rating:

Bubble Bobble - Famicom and NES
A fun and friendly co-op game, it's one of those games that you feel happy when playing, I loved the theme song and used to whistle it often. Although the last boss was almost impossible, and I don't remember ever beating him.
armok's rating:

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse - Famicom and NES
"Why is Castlevania III so low on his list ?" You might wonder, a great game, with the option to have another character with you, great music, nice graphics, but it was so HARD that it wasn't only once or twice when I threw the controller to the wall.
armok's rating:

Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers - Famicom and NES
One of those friendly and happy games, a really good co-op game and one of the easiest games on NES, but still long enough to not get bored instantly.
armok's rating:

Nintendo World Cup - Famicom and NES
I got this game with my NES it was in 3 in 1 cartridge that came with it. Perhaps the best footy game I've played since I really don't like football, this game has nice graphics and good music, every team has a different "super kick" that scores almost for sure. Also when you tackle the opponents too many times they "die" and are left laying there on the football field.
armok's rating:

DuckTales - Famicom and NES
Everyone I know loves Duck Tales, a nice game with good graphics and nice levels, you can also choose the order to complete the levels. Perhaps the first game I managed to finish on NES.
armok's rating:

Adventures of Lolo 3 - Famicom and NES
My friends dad bought this game for himself, it was really hard back then and we only got to the third building on the map or so. But i've tried it later and now it feels like a good puzzle game, there's nothing special in graphics of music but there's something that makes you want to beat the game.
armok's rating:

Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road - Famicom and NES
"This is the best game ever" I though when I was a kid, perhaps because a friends friends friend owned this and I only got to play it a few times, it's not as good as I remember it being, but it has so much nostalgic value that it had to make the list.
armok's rating:

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