100+ Movies with Time travel elements
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Showing 1-50 of 116
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Inception (2010)
This movie does have time elements that are measured in Dream time where 5 minutes is an Hour and dreaming in a Dream becomes weeks and dreaming in a dream up to 3 levels becomes 10 years for every 5 minutes of our real life time. In fact what is real?
This movie does have some truth in it too.
As the 1 hour sleep in 5 minutes does really work.
Visit my blog for an example storiesofourdreams.blogspot.com
This movie does have some truth in it too.
As the 1 hour sleep in 5 minutes does really work.
Visit my blog for an example storiesofourdreams.blogspot.com
Digital Dean's rating:

Mr. Nobody (2009)
This is a very interesting and creative movie that takes you through time dimension to see alternate life's of one single boy. Its important to watch this film carefully as i am sure it will get confusing to most people.
and finally this movie makes a spot on my list.
and finally this movie makes a spot on my list.
Digital Dean's rating:

This is a very British style at the pub kind of time travel movie. That revolves around a public toilet that turns out to have a time portal within. Its very funny and a must to see. This movie also stars the wonderful Irish actor Chris O'Dowd from IT CROWD
This makes this even more of a reason to see.
This makes this even more of a reason to see.
Digital Dean's rating:

Timecop (1994)
There is never enough time" Enough time for what? To satisfy a woman" Quote from the movie Time cop
I liked this movie but i didnt like the time travel method of travel. Speeding towards a wall on some ride. Buckled up. but on the other side! he walks through a ripple! They could have taken more thought in that area.
so for that reason only. I will only give it a 65% star rating.
I liked this movie but i didnt like the time travel method of travel. Speeding towards a wall on some ride. Buckled up. but on the other side! he walks through a ripple! They could have taken more thought in that area.
so for that reason only. I will only give it a 65% star rating.
Digital Dean's rating:

This was great! plenty of fighting and action! Its great that its another cop and not one trying to be Van Damme.
This really was entertaining.
This really was entertaining.
Digital Dean's rating:

Its an interesting film but its a bit cheesy with its humor side. Its a watch once only film! It could have done with a bit of creativity in it.
Its a cardboard tacky film. But ok to watch as long as you don't get annoyed easy.
Its a cardboard tacky film. But ok to watch as long as you don't get annoyed easy.
Digital Dean's rating:

This movie is mind boggling great. I had to see this movie 3 times! and still i notice new things i didnt before. Its a must watch movie.
Digital Dean's rating:

Back to the Future (1985)
Top marks for this movie because i seen it more times than the star rating! I don't need to tell you what you already know so for 2 and 3 they would have the same respect as i have for this one.
Digital Dean's rating:

Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Top marks for this movie because i seen it more times than the star rating!
Digital Dean's rating:

Back to the Future Part III (1990)
Top marks for this movie because i seen it more times than the star rating!
Digital Dean's rating:

A Sound of Thunder (2005)
Thankyou to igwanna for reminding me of this movie! Maybe its because of the other movies butterfly effect, That i forgot the name of this movie! as this story really did portray a story of what could happen if you went back to the age of the dinosaurs and tread onto a butterfly!
The movie does seem a little low budget but it still plays and interesting story.
The movie does seem a little low budget but it still plays and interesting story.
Digital Dean's rating:

The Butterfly Effect (2004)
Wonderful time travel method and wonderful paradoxical time changing ripple elements that make this a respectful movie since back to the future.
Digital Dean's rating:

The Butterfly Effect 2 (2006)
Great movie. But nothing beats the 1st Butterfly effect
Digital Dean's rating:

This story is about two students who do there school homework by traveling through time and space in a public phone booth! They bring famous historical people to their own time! to help them pass the exam so they don't have to sign up for the army as a result of failure.
Digital Dean's rating:

Frequency (2000)
This is about a son and farther who contact each other through an old ham radio! but both living in different times! As strange weather pattens seem to allow radio waves to travel between worlds! This a great movie with many paradoxes and twists! This is a fantastic movie! i seen it too many times to count!
Digital Dean's rating:

The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
When one is to react to a speeding bullet! Time itself must be seen slow! In order to respond to the elements of sound and matter! so in away! this movie does contain a time element. so i decided to add this movie to represent all the matrix in this one tittle!
Digital Dean's rating:

Superman II (1980)
When superman will not allow the death of a loved one go,
He simply rewinds the planet and gets to scene before the actions take place that were originally destined
He simply rewinds the planet and gets to scene before the actions take place that were originally destined
Digital Dean's rating:

Cryogenics is a method of time travel that only works one way! This movie shows the future in a very interesting way! this a movie Classic that will always stay a great.
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If you can think of any more movies to add! or want to question the time travel elements of a movie! please let me know!
Also if anybody is wondering why Gremlins is in the list!
If ya notice the inventor of the suck and cut device is at a inventors fair.
And while he is on the phone! ya see a time machine vanish behind him!
Its still a time travel element.
catch my drift. help me make this list bigger... cheers
Also if anybody is wondering why Gremlins is in the list!
If ya notice the inventor of the suck and cut device is at a inventors fair.
And while he is on the phone! ya see a time machine vanish behind him!
Its still a time travel element.
catch my drift. help me make this list bigger... cheers
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11 votes
Listal SciFi: Themed Movie Lists
(27 lists)list by Abhi
Published 12 years, 9 months ago

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