Movies of 2012
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Showing 1-50 of 103
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The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
- Best Film
- Best Director - Christopher Nolan
- Best Actress - Anne Hathaway (Along with Les Misérables)
- Best Director - Christopher Nolan
- Best Actress - Anne Hathaway (Along with Les Misérables)
nathan's rating:
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Movies of 2012 that I have seen, and my ranking of them. (Excludes short films)
Best Film - The Dark Knight Rises
Best Australian Film - The Sapphires
Best Documentary - Searching for Sugar Man
Best Director - Christopher Nolan - The Dark Knight Rises
Best Ensemble - Django Unchained
Best Actor - Daniel Day-Lewis- Lincoln
Best Actress - Anne Hathaway - The Dark Knight Rises, Les Misérables
Best Original Screenplay - Django Unchained
Best Adapted Screenplay - Argo
Best Visual Presentation - Wreck-it-Ralph
Best Soundtrack -Skyfall
Worst Film - Battleship
Best Film - The Dark Knight Rises
Best Australian Film - The Sapphires
Best Documentary - Searching for Sugar Man
Best Director - Christopher Nolan - The Dark Knight Rises
Best Ensemble - Django Unchained
Best Actor - Daniel Day-Lewis- Lincoln
Best Actress - Anne Hathaway - The Dark Knight Rises, Les Misérables
Best Original Screenplay - Django Unchained
Best Adapted Screenplay - Argo
Best Visual Presentation - Wreck-it-Ralph
Best Soundtrack -Skyfall
Worst Film - Battleship
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