Horror Movies that I like but other critics hate
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As Above, So Below (2014)
What is with the hate in this film? The acting, effects and scares are pretty good so why the hate? I enjoyed the film because it was actually scary, actually fun to watch and suspenseful and maybe a few dumb decisions there and there but only happens at least 3 times but that’s it. The protagonist however is so amoral, you’ll wish she had died. Either than that, give it a try
crazymetalhead's rating:

Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Cmon it’s a shark film with Samuel L motherfucking Jackson. What else could you ask for? The acting, scares, kills, humor are great but the effects are kind of lame. Still fun to watch either way
crazymetalhead's rating:

The Exorcist: Believer (2023)
To be completely honest, I don’t see why people hate this movie. It’s true that it’s a lot weaker than the OG Exorcist but that’s the only major problem I think this movie has. If this wasn’t a movie in the Exorcist franchise, it could have worked but unfortunately it has to compete with a film that is not only considered one of the scariest and greatest horror films of all time, but a film that’s considered one of the best films of all time and it fails to capture what made the original scary. But either than that, I actually enjoyed this film. It literally had me on the edge of my seat and every time a jump scare or something else bad was about to happen, I was literally shaking in fear (and coldness because the theatre was deathly cold for some odd reason). I know that I just self contradicted myself but the movie has a couple genuine good scares that ALMOST recapture the original but not by too much.
crazymetalhead's rating:

Maybe considered a b-monster film. Reality ensues that it’s acting and monster are all worth the watch. Better than the 98 Godzilla film at least
crazymetalhead's rating:

Jigsaw (2017)
Compared to the 3d crapfest from the last one, this has actual potential, actual good acting and an actual plot twist that will be unforgettable
crazymetalhead's rating:

What happens when The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Meets Die Hard? You’ll get an action styled slasher film with creative kills, dark and clever humor and good acting
crazymetalhead's rating:

Despite some dumb decisions and a mediocre protagonist, the effects, acting (especially of the character known as Dougie), Story, and everything else is so entertaining, that I actually got paranoid if there were such things as sleep monsters
crazymetalhead's rating:

I. Love. This. Film! It knows it’s suspense, scares, effects, acting, all of it. It maybe a bit slow at first, but once the monsters appear, you’ll want to grab a beer or whatever your favorite drink is, with them
crazymetalhead's rating:

Rumpelstiltskin (1995)
Compared to Leprechaun, the monster in this film is actually taken seriously and doesn’t make you want to turn it off like I did with Leprechaun which sadly i just had to watch. This film offers something better than Leprechaun. The kills are badass, the acting (especially the guy playing our monster)is good, and the scares are mixed in with its humor. And in a good way
crazymetalhead's rating:

Split Second (1992)
I watched this film a few days ago to honor one of my favorite actors: Rutger Hauer who sadly passed this year. This movie was fucking badshit crazy and I loved it! The story is creative having a dystopian future cop hunt down a demonic serial killer (you heard right, this dystopian sci fi Film has demons as in evil supernatural beings)is very original. The humor, acting, effects, Story and soundtrack will keep you on the edge of your seats with excitement
crazymetalhead's rating:

Yes it’s slow yes it’s characters are not that smart but it’s creativeness lies within the scares, kills, acting and the idea for your monster being the legendary Japanese Kitsune are all very used well
crazymetalhead's rating:

This was a fun film to watch, Dennis Hopper and Bill Moseley were unforgettable. The kills are creative, the humor is dark and witty, the scares are surprising, just another standard slasher film right? You’d be shocked to find out it isn’t
crazymetalhead's rating:

Troll (1986)
Compared to Troll 2, this film was trying. The acting, effects, score, monsters, scares, Story, just almost everything was actually put effort into. Troll was trying and to me, it succeeded
crazymetalhead's rating:

Not much monster screen time but it’s a fair film. The acting is good and the monster design is pretty good for a old b-monster flick
crazymetalhead's rating:

Wishmaster (1997)
Maybe cliched and a somewhat poorly acted heroine but it’s acting (besides the heroine Alexandra who wasn’t acting good), effects, scares, kills and Andrew divoff will not disappoint.
crazymetalhead's rating:

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