Games of 1990 - ranked by preference
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Showing 1-50 of 63
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Super Mario World - Super famicom and SNES
Release Date: November 21, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Genre: Platformer
Super Mario World introduced the world to a caped Mario that could fly longer distances than that lame raccoon Mario could. It also introduced the world to a loveable green dinosaur named Yoshi. The game also let players explore a beautifully designed world with many levels having multiple exits, allowing the player to branch away from the normal path to discover hidden levels and shortcuts. Everything was just so wonderfully done. I think that this may be as close to 2D platforming perfection that you can get.
ape's rating:
F-Zero - Super famicom and SNES
Release Date: November 21, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Genre: Racing
Until Rock N Roll Racing came out, this was the racing game that stole much of my childhood. I have no idea how many times I've beaten this game, but it's got to be close to 50. With each of the four drivers handling differently from each other, it added some much-appreciated variety and a reason for people to continue playing the game after initially beating it with a different character. It's one of the best racing games of the 16-bit era, and I'd even argue that it can still hold its own today.
ape's rating:
Devil's Crush - TurboGrafx-16 and PC Engine
Release Date: July 20, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: NEC Interchannel
Developer: Compile
Genre: Pinball
Devil's Crush very well might be my favorite video game pinball game. Even to this day, I still enjoy pulling Devil's Crush out and playing a few rounds. The game is technically only one table, but the ball physics are done so well and the environments and challenges are done equally well...Even with just one table, this is a fantastic game. I thought Alien Crush was a decent pinball game, but Devil's Crush is a great one.
ape's rating:
Little Nemo: The Dream Master - Famicom and NES
Release Date: September 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Genre: Platformer
I LOVE Little Nemo. My parents got me it for my birthday shortly after it came out and it quickly became one of my favorite games on the system. With great, solid platforming action mixed with the ability to feed critters candy in order to "ride" them to previously unreachable areas, it was hard for me not to love this game. The level designs are pretty fantastic, too. The only real gripe I've ever had with the game is how drastically the game changes once you reach Nightmare Land...And even then, it's not done poorly, it's just not quite as fun as the previous seven levels in the game were.
ape's rating:
ActRaiser - Super famicom and SNES
Release Date: December 16, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Enix
Developer: Quintet
Genre: Action
ActRaiser is a unique title that successfully blends together strategy-like gameplay on the overworld map along with hack 'n' slash action in the game's main levels. It can seem a tad difficult for newcomers, but the more you play, the more you master this game. It's also worth noting that to accompany you through this neat hybrid of a game is some of the best music that you'll find on the Super NES. If you haven't played it yet, do it. It's on the Wii's Virtual Console in all regions.
ape's rating:
Mega Man 3 - Famicom and NES
Release Date: September 28, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Genre: Platformer
Mega Man 2 was great. Mega Man 3 doesn't quite capture the magic of 2, but it's dang close. With a few new features, like the addition of Mega Man's trusty robo-mutt sidekick Rush, a new rival in Proto Man, and the ability for Mega Man to slide around is a way to fit in small spaces and dodge enemy attacks. Heck, even the robot bosses from Mega Man 2 make an appearance in Wily's Castle, letting you try out your nifty new weapons on some old foes. The new additions and surprises are nice and all, and the game is fantastic, but the overall level design in Mega Man 2 was a tad better in my opinion, giving it the nod over 3, even with all the new bells and whistles added in.
ape's rating:
Kickle Cubicle - Famicom and NES
Release Date: June 29, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Irem
Developer: Irem
Genre: Puzzle - Action
Kickle Cubicle is likely a delightful surprise for anyone lucky enough to stumble across it for the first time. Basically, it's similar to the Adventures of Lolo games in terms of gameplay, but this game is better overall than all of the Lolo titles, in my opinion. Basically, it's an action-based puzzle game where you have to create a path to your destination while also avoiding enemies and fighting the occasional boss fight along the way. It's such a good game and it's a crying shame that so few have heard of it.
ape's rating:
Columns - Sega Genesis and Mega Drive
Release Date: June 29, 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Sega
Developer: Sega
Genre: Puzzle
Columns is one of my favorite puzzle games...And it all started when I accidentally set myself up for a combo that seemed to go on for forever right before my game was about to end. Since then, Columns is a game that I like popping in every now and then to kill a few minutes and just relax. It's not as good as Tetris, I don't love it as much as the Puyo Puyo series, but it's a good, solid puzzle game that stands the test of time pretty well.
ape's rating:
Thunder Force III - Sega Genesis and Mega Drive
Release Date: June 7, 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Technosoft
Developer: Technosoft
Genre: Shooter - 3rd Person
Thankfully, Technosoft removed all overhead stages that held back Thunder Force II when they created Thunder Force III. The end result is the fantastic, side-scrolling shooter that we wanted. With excellent boss fights and various weaponry to select to batte them with, Thunder Force III is one of the best scrolling shooters of the 16-bit era. If you haven't played it, I recomend giving it a chance.
ape's rating:
Akumajou Special: Boku Dracula-kun - Famicom and NES
Release Date: October 19, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami
Genre: Platformer
Akumajou Special is basically a Castlevania game made in a more child-friendly style. As a result, it's got less action and more platforming than your usual Castlevania game...Not to mention, much more comedy. It's also a very solid game, but in my opinion, its difficulty is often so easy that it almost takes away from the enjoyment one can have from the game. But, it's still a worthwhile game to play, just don't expect it to take too many attempts before you complete it.
ape's rating:
Dr. Mario - Game Boy
Release Date: July 27, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Genre: Puzzle
Give Mario a clipboard, toss a white coat on him, strap a pizza cutter to his head, and suddenly he's a doctor. In Dr. Mario, your goal is to eliminate the viruses in the level by using the correct-colored pills. I think it's a really neat concept for a puzzle game...And while the game is definitely good, I've never really been big into it. I had this and Tetris as my portable puzzle games growing up, and nine times out of ten, I'd play this for a little bit and quickly realize I'd rather be playing the Russian game of falling blocks. But still, Dr. Mario is a quality puzzle game with a neat premise and it's well worth your time to play it.
ape's rating:
Silk Worm - Famicom and NES
Release Date: June 1990 (NA)
Publisher: American Sammy
Developer: American Sammy
Genre: Shooter - Third-Person
Silk Worm is basically two versions of the same game in one - you play the same levels with the same enemies, but you've got an option of shooting from the skies in a helicopter, or shooting from the ground in a jeep. Both vehicles play differently giving you a different experience in each mode of transportation and firepower that you use. It's not a perfect shooter by any means, but the unique choice of totally different vehicles and how you need different strategies in the level depending on which vehicle you choose is enough to really increase the replay value in Silk Worm as well as the overall enjoyment as you play.
ape's rating:
Fire Emblem: Ankoku Ryu to Hikari no Tsurugi - Famicom and NES
Release Date: April 20, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Genre: Strategy - Turn-Based
The thing I like about the original Fire Emblem is that even if you don't know Japanese, once you know what commands do what, you can play the game just like if it was in English. After figuring out which command ended my turn, which allowed me to attack, etc. I really enjoyed my time with this game. It's kind of basic in comparison to more modern Fire Emblem games, but the original is still quite nice, especially when in comparison to other games of its time.
ape's rating:
Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers - Famicom and NES
Release Date: June 8, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Genre: Platformer
When a lot of people think of good Disney games, they generally think of the batch of Capcom-made platformers that, more often than not, were really good. Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers is one of the more beloved Disney titles of this time period. The single player experience is fun, but where Chip 'N Dale shines is the multiplayer, with two players on the screen at once, hurling boxes and the like at Fat Cat's minions. Games like this make me wish that Capcom and Disney could come to an agreement to make some more 2D platformers for Xbox Live, Playstation Network, or the Nintendo eShop.
ape's rating:
Ghostbusters - Sega Genesis and Mega Drive
Release Date: June 29, 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Sega
Developer: Compile
Genre: Shooter - 3rd Person
I've heard a lot of negative things about Ghostbusters...But I'm not seeing it. I've heard that levels are long, boring, and very difficult...I think I beat the first level in about five minutes and died once...and most importantly, I enjoyed my time with this game a lot. So, I may be in the minority, but I feel that Ghostbusters is a very enjoyable third-person shooter with interesting bosses and enough personality to put a smile on most fans of the film.
ape's rating:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game... - Famicom and NES
Release Date: December 7, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Ultra
Developer: Konami
Genre: Action - Brawler
With the success of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the arcade, Konami decided to port it to the NES. Since the NES already had a game with the same name published on the system, the arcade Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles then became Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game...Long explanation for something not important, right? Oh well, this arcade port is quite good. It obviously doesn't look as nice as the arcade version, or play quite as smoothly, but it gets the job done just fine anyway. It's one of the better brawlers on the NES and still pretty fun to brawl through the levels to this day.
ape's rating:
M.U.L.E. (MULE) - Famicom and NES
Release Date: September 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Mindscape
Developer: Ozark Softscape
Genre: Strategy
M.U.L.E. was a game I first discovered when in college. I found an NES cart that I had never heard of and gave it a chance - I wasn't disappointed. It's a very simple strategy game where you're basically left on a planet with a few other folks and you've got to try to make the best out of the situation via mining, farming, and making energy and have the most value to your name when your ship comes back to get you. As I said, it's simple and easy to play, and it's also very fun to play, especially when competing against a few friends.
ape's rating:
Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse - Sega Genesis and Mega Drive
Release Date: November 21, 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Sega
Developer: Sega
Genre: Platformer
Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse is a solid platformer with a reputation that exceeds the actual game, in my opinion. The game is beloved enough where it has been remade in recent years, and while it's very good, I just don't get why this game is loved as much as it is...Maybe nostalgia? Regardless of the reason, this game is adored by many, and while I'm not as enthralled with it as most people seem to be, this IS a very good game and worth checking out if you're looking for a solid, non-Sonic platformer on the Genesis.
ape's rating:
John Madden Football - Sega Genesis and Mega Drive
Release Date: 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Park Place Productions
Genre: Sports - Football
I've never been a huge football fan. I probably never will be, either. That said, the first Madden game, John Madden Football, is still a very enjoyable experience. It may seem crude these days, but for it's time, it was quite good. While not quite the same quality as Tecmo's football outings, it's still a very solid start for the franchise that pretty much has a monopoly on the sport in the world of video games.
ape's rating:
Parodius - Famicom and NES
Release Date: November 30, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami
Genre: Shooter - Third-Person
What happens when you take a good, solid shooter, make a parody of it with large, colorful, detailed enemies to shoot down and unique environments to fly through? Why you get Parodius, of course. The first entry in the Parodius franchise is a solid one with plenty of weird boss fights and beautiful visuals to encounter as you fly around and shoot stuff up. Some later games in the franchise improve on everything found here, but the original Parodius (known as Parodius Da! in Japan) is still a solid shooter well worth checking out.
ape's rating:
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom - Sega Genesis and Mega Drive
Release Date: April 20, 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Sega
Developer: Sega
Genre: RPG
A lot of people don't like Phantasy Star III, and that's seemingly because of how different it is from other games in the series...Which is never a good excuse for not liking a game, in my opinion. The thing is that the thing that make Phantasy Star III different is also a pretty neat concept - like the subtitle suggests, this game takes place over the course of several generations, so it's not really one hero that you control as much as it is a bloodline of heroes. Interesting concept aside, this is a decent RPG worth playing if for no other reason than to experience the unique concept I just mentioned.
ape's rating:
Rollergames - Famicom and NES
Release Date: September 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Ultra Games
Developer: Konami
Genre: Action - Brawler
Rollergames was a roller derby television show, and an arcade game called "Rollergames" was, in fact, a roller derby game. The NES version of Rollergames, however, was a brawler where you choose a member of one of three teams from the Rollergames show and take on, apparently, the entire team of several different teams from the show in various environments....Why they're roller skating on dirt roads in the jungle has always been a mystery to me. Anyway, the game is surprisingly good. It's not perfect, and it could be better, but the skating aspect adds a little something to make it different from your average brawler. It's well worth checking out if you're a fan of the genre or the show.
ape's rating:
Dr. Mario - Famicom and NES
Release Date: July 27, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo
Genre: Puzzle
With the massive success of Tetris, Nintendo made an effort to create a puzzle game of their own. The end result was Dr. Mario, a game that encourages children to pop pills to kill the nasty-looking germs that live inside them. Okay, maybe that's not true...Let me have a little fun here, will ya? Anyway, Dr. Mario is an okay game. It's a very slow, methodical game where you're almost guaranteed to have unwanted colors wind up on viruses due to the random nature of the pills popping out. The strategy comes in overcoming the seemingly mandatory misplacements in order to conquer each level anyway. It sounds okay in theory, but in reality, it can often feel more frustrating than anything. Overall, Dr. Mario is a solid puzzle game, but nowhere near the quality of several other games in the genre.
ape's rating:
Kabuki: Quantum Fighter - Famicom and NES
Release Date: December 21, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Hal Laboratories
Developer: Human Entertainment
Genre: Action
Ever want to play a game where you're a colonel that was transformed into a kabuki actor so that you could enter a computer and fix the issues within? What? You never even thought of that as a possibility? Well, then give this enjoyable, little-known NES action game a try. It's not quite as well-designed as a game like Ninja Gaiden, or control as tightly, but if you're a fan of old-school side-scrolling action, there's a good chance that you'll appreciate what Kabuki Quantum Fighter has to offer.
ape's rating:
Granada - Sega Genesis and Mega Drive
Release Date: November 16, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Renovation
Developer: Wolf Team
Genre: Shooter - 3rd Person
Granada, to me anyway, feels like Gauntlet...Except instead of controlling some sort of wizard or barbarian, you're controlling a tank that moves abnormally quick. Same basic rules apply, though. Drive around, shoot at stuff, destroy the bases spawning other tanks and weaponry, repeat. It's not bad once you get the hang of it, but without the multiplayer aspect that Gauntlet encourages, Granada feels like it falls just a little bit short.
ape's rating:
Tiles of Fate - Famicom and NES
Release Date: 1990 (NA)
Publisher: American Video Entertainment
Developer: C&E Inc.
Genre: Puzzle
Tiles of Fate is basically the closest thing to Shanghai to hit North American shores...And it's not bad, honestly. In fact, I'll go out on a limb and say that this is the best American Video Entertainment-published game, and easily one of the best non-licensed titles you can get on the NES. If you're a fan of the solitaire-like, mahjong concept of Shanghai, then Tiles of Fate is a nice game to hunt down if you're like a game in that genre for your NES.
ape's rating:
Whomp'Em - Famicom and NES
Release Date: December 7, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Jaleco
Developer: Jaleco
Genre: Platformer
When I was a kid, I knew of Whomp'Em as "that Mega Man game with the Indian." As time has gone on, I've gone back and revisited Whomp 'Em and it's not quite the quality of Mega Man, but it does share a few similarities, like the ability to choose what level you want to play, and obtaining skills from the bosses in each area...But none of it is done quite as well as Capcom's series with the blue robot. If you love Mega Man and are willing to settle for an experience not quite as good as what you'd get from that series, then Whomp 'Em might be a game that you'll grow to enjoy, kinda like I always have.
ape's rating:
Adventures of Lolo 3 - Famicom and NES
Release Date: December 26, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Hal Laboratories
Developer: Hal Laboratories
Genre: Puzzle
Adventures of Lolo 3 (known as 2 in Japan) is an attempt to modify the successful Adventures of Lolo formula by adding a world map, allowing players to explore around to discover the next area they'll play in. The environments are also a bit more varied than the previous entries, which helps prevent the game from feeling too awful repetitive. I still prefer the original over this game, but the Adventures of Lolo 3 is a close second.
ape's rating:
Final Fight - Super famicom and SNES
Release Date: December 21, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Genre: Action - Brawler
I'm a big fan of the Final Fight franchise, but let's face it - the Super NES version of the first game is the weakest version. Removing support for co-op play and eliminating one of the three playable characters (Guy) resulted in a game that was still fun, but not nearly as fun as what you'd experience in the arcades, or later on the Sega CD. It's still a solid brawler, but not what it could have (and should have) been.
ape's rating:
Klax - TurboGrafx-16 and PC Engine
Release Date: August 10, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Tengen
Developer: Tengen
Genre: Puzzle
Klax is a unique 3D puzzle game that Tengen pretty much released on just about any console, handheld, or computer that would allow them to publish it on. It's not a horrible puzzle game by any means, but many compared it to Tetris...And there aren't many puzzle games that can be compared to Tetris and still look good. That said, Klax involves you watching tiles make their way towards you and drop down to a little platform. The platform is where you match tiles to make them disappear. It can feel a bit repetitive after a while, but for the most part it's a decent puzzle game worth a try from fans of the puzzle genre.
ape's rating:
Bimini Run - Sega Genesis and Mega Drive
Release Date: October 10, 1990 (NA)
Publisher: NuVision
Developer: Microsmiths Inc.
Genre: Shooter - Third-Person
Bimini Run is a unique take on a third-person shooter - you're on a boat the entire time, gunning down both boats and helicopters in pursuit of justice! Okay, it's not that exciting. Frankly, Bimini Run is a passable game in a unique setting...nothing more. It's worth taking a look if it sounds interesting to you, but otherwise, there are better options out there...just not many involve you shooting from a boat.
ape's rating:
Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off Road - Famicom and NES
Release Date: April 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Tradewest
Developer: Rare
Genre: Racing
I'm not a racing guy. I have no idea who Ivan Stewart is. I don't know why he's called "Ironman." I just know that his game provided my friends and I some quality times when we were kids. Playing with three friends, Super Off-Road was always fun...But recently playing it by myself to get screenshots, the fun isn't quite there in single player. Basically, each race track is a single screen and once the race starts...well, the controls aren't exactly the best. This almost enhances the multi-player with everyone laughing and having a good time while bumping into each other. In single player, however, it's just a pain in the hiney. Between races, you get cash to make your truck better with upgrades, but beyond that, this is a pretty basic racing game. It's passable, and with a group of four, it can be pretty fun, but it may not be a game for everyone.
ape's rating:
Gals Panic - Arcade
Release Date: 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Kaneko
Developer: Kaneko
Genre: Action
Gals Panic is the game that inspired the infamous Miss World '96 arcade game. Gals Panic is basically just Qix with drawn images of young women in the background. The images have the women fully clothed at first, then upon going to the next level, they lose a little clothing...then on the third level, they're fully nude and beating that level rewards you with an actual photograph of the drawn woman. But, there's no guarantee you'll get those images. If you're not good enough or quick enough, you'll see the word "change" on the screen, and the image of a nude lady will transform into something comical, like a sheep wearing a pearl necklace and make-up. As far as adult-themed games go, this one isn't bad. If you like Qix, you'll like this game. If you've never played Qix, then maybe the humor or the lady folk images will be enough for you to give that style of game a try.
ape's rating:
Yo! Noid - Famicom and NES
Release Date: March 16, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Now Production
Genre: Platformer
What happens when you want to release a decent ninja game from Japan and bring it to North America? Why, you replace the ninja with the mascot of a popular pizza chain, that's what. While it's questionable logic, Yo! Noid is still a decent little platformer...and like any game based off of a pizza delivery company should have, it features plenty of pizza-eating contests. Those contests are actually a nice little strategy mini-game to play between levels, and items that you pick up during the platforming can actually help give you an advantage going into them. But anyway, Yo! Noid is a passable platformer and worth checking out if you want some late-80's/early-90's nostalgia...well, if you remember the Domino's Noid commercials, that is.
ape's rating:
WWF Wrestlemania Challenge - Famicom and NES
Release Date: November 1990 (NA)
Publisher: LJN
Developer: Rare
Genre: Fighting - Wrestling
WWF Wrestlemania Challenge was a huge step-up from Rare's previous attempt at a wrestling game with WWF Wrestlemania. Each wrestler is unique, with their own move sets and finishers, and different match types (singles, tag team, and Survivor Series six-man tag) ensure that you've got a decent amount of replay value here. The downside is that the computer seems to spend much of its time running away from you, resulting you chasing them until they run into one of your moves...Which is rather boring. Even when the computer isn't running away, the gameplay is passable, but not great. This is probably the best WWF game available on the NES, but it still doesn't come close to matching the quality of the early NES title - Pro Wrestling.
ape's rating:
Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair - Sega Genesis and Mega Drive
Release Date: December 22, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Sega
Developer: Alcom
Genre: Platformer
The Wonder Boy series had evolved on the Master System into a very good the return to the series' roots (with side-scrolling shooter stages added in) is a bit of a head scratcher. Wonder Boy III is still a passable game, but the platforming levels are pretty slow-paced and dull and the scrolling shooter stages are predictible and easy. On one hand, it's nice to see a return to its roots...on the other hand, that return was also a step backwards for the series.
ape's rating:
Krazy Kreatures - Famicom and NES
Release Date: 1990 (NA)
Publisher: American Video Entertainment
Developer: Bitmasters
Genre: Puzzle
I like Krazy Kreatures. It's got its flaws and all, but it's different enough where I'm willing to overlook them and just enjoy myself. Basically, various animals get thrown onto the screen at once. As they're being tossed in, you can match them up and try to get a head start. After enough animals have filled the screen, a timer counts down and you've got that many seconds to match up as many animals as you can. You start off having to match three, but as you advance on, the number needed to make a match increases. The downside is that it's extremely easy - you can pick up an animal from anywhere on the screen to move it anywhere and make a match. You'll probably stop from being bored from lack of difficulty long before you're actually in any danger of seeing a "game over" screen....If there is one. I've always quit before I ever got close to that, myself. Maybe one day I'll stick with a game long enough to find out, but for now, I'm enjoying the five or ten minutes that I spend playing this game here and there. If you want a unique puzzle experience, give this game a shot. It's worth playing if only for its originality.
ape's rating:
Mechanized Attack - Famicom and NES
Release Date: June 1990 (NA)
Publisher: SNK
Developer: SNK
Genre: Shooter - First-Person
Mechanized Attack is a decent light gun shooter that's more chaotic than Duck Hunt, but not quite as polished, in my opinion. That's not to say that it's a bad game, 'cause it's fun, but the complexity of some of the game, which makes it sometimes feel fun, othertimes hurts it. But, this is still a very fun game and a good choice for a play-at-home lightgun shooter...It's also worth mentioning that this game contains one of the best death screens I've ever seen in a video game.
ape's rating:
Adventures of Lolo 2 - Famicom and NES
Release Date: January 6, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Hal Laboratories
Developer: Hal Laboratories
Genre: Puzzle
Much like the confusing Final Fantasy numbers for Japan vs. North America, Adventures of Lolo 2 in North America was actually labeled as the first Adventures of Lolo in Japan. Anyway, the sequel to the original Adventures of Lolo, Adventures of Lolo 2 is just as good as the original...But there really isn't enough new to it to make me place it higher on this list. It feels like more of the same. Mind you the first game was good enough where more of the same is definitely welcome, but I do like originality, and this game doesn't have a whole lot of that.
ape's rating:
American Horseshoes - Arcade
Release Date: 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Taito
Developer: Taito
Genre: Sports - Horseshoes
American Horseshoes is, as far as I know, the only stand-alone video game version of horseshoes that you can play. The problem is that it's INCREDIBLY easy once you know what you're doing. It may take a few turns, but once you figure out what you're doing, you'll be getting ringers every single shot....Unless, of course, you want to have fun and interact with the environment by hitting people and objects with purposely poor throws. The game isn't horrible, but the lack of a difficulty really bogs down what could have been a uniquely enjoyable game.
ape's rating:
Splatterhouse - TurboGrafx-16 and PC Engine
Release Date: April 3, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Namco
Developer: Namco
Genre: Action - Brawler
The first Splatterhouse is passable as a brawler, but aside from the gore (which is nothing today, but it had some folks up in arms back when it was released) it's not really anything special. It's not horrible, mind you, but better brawlers like Double Dragon had come along before this release, making the gameplay feel a little behind the times. The novelty of gore hid that a little bit back when it was released, but it shows today. You can find brawlers much worse than the original Splatterhouse, but this is one of those games that may not be as good as you remember it being when you were a kid.
ape's rating:
Fish Dude - Game Boy
Release Date: October 5, 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Sofel
Developer: Sailo
Genre: Action
Fish Dude is a unique title. You control a fish. You need to eat a specific number of smaller fish to complete the level. The catch is that there are numerous hazards in your way, like bigger fish trying to eat you or birds that'll swoop you up if you dive out of the water to avoid something else chasing you. It's not the best-designed game in the world, but it can be mildly fun in small doses. I'm not really sure why the title is "Fish Dude" though...Unless it's the abbreviated form of "I'm playing a game with fish, dude...And I'm already bored with it."
ape's rating:
Punk Shot - Arcade
Release Date: 1990 (JP)
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami
Genre: Sports - Basketball
Punk Shot is a decent street basketball game that's a little easier than it should be. In Punk Shot, punching is legal...So when your opponent has the ball, it's not difficult to punch them down, grab the ball, and run back to your hoop with a slam dunk. The computer doesn't really fight back, either, which is disappointing. What does fight back are various obstacles that appear...Like stray dogs that run onto the court and pull your pants down like you're the baby on the Coppertone bottle. It's mildly amusing and passable, but not as addicting as NBA Jam would be just a few years later.
ape's rating:
Gremlins 2: The New Batch - Famicom and NES
Release Date: October 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Sunsoft
Developer: Sunsoft
Genre: Adventure
Gremlins 2 kind of has a feel of a Zelda game, with the top-down perspective, but it's focused much more on the action and much less on any type of puzzle solving. This would be great if Gizmo had an attack like Link and his sword. Unfortunately, Gizmo throws stuff, so you need to be dead-on accurate with your attacks, and the game's design doesn't make that an easy task. Once you get used to attacking things, the game is passable, but not a whole lot more than that.
ape's rating:
Adventures in Magic Kingdom - Famicom and NES
Release Date: June 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Genre: Action
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom is an assortment of mini games that range from decent to terrible. It's not a great game by any means, but it's passable as the good in the game evens out the bad for the most part. If all you did from the world map was go to levels like the pirate level, where you're platforming your way to save villagers, this game would be much better...But there's turds like the minecart level that stink this game up much more than it should have stunk.
ape's rating:
Fatal Run - Atari 2600
Release Date: 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Atari
Developer: Sculptured Software
Genre: Racing
Fatal Run is a decently-made racing game that, unfortunately, was a few years behind both in terms of gameplay and the hardware that it was on. Games like OutRun and Rad Racer with similar gameplay had already been out for years when Fatal Run came out and both were superior games. That said, it IS impressive that this game is on the Atari 2600, and had it been released back in the late 70's or early 80's, it would have been amazing for its time...Unfortunately, that's not the case, and Fatal Run was just too little, too late.
ape's rating:
Mermaids of Atlantis - Famicom and NES
Release Date: 1991 (NA)
Publisher: American Video Entertainment
Developer: Panesian
Genre: Puzzle
Mermaids of Atlantis is an awkward-feeling puzzle game...Instead of blocks falling down the screen like in Tetris, bubbles are floating up the screen. Adding to the awkwardness are the shapes of the bubble formations...They really don't link together the best adding unnecessary difficulty to the game. The difficulty in this game also seems to be greater than in Bubble Bath Babes, which is the same game, except with some nudity. The goal of this game is not like Tetris, where you would need to pop a certain number of bubbles to advance to the next level. Instead, the letters "M, A, G, I, and C" randomly appear in bubbles and in order to advance, you need to ensure that those letters get popped. It's a neat concept, but with the gameplay not the best, it's not really done all that well.
ape's rating:
Bubble Bath Babes - Famicom and NES
Release Date: 1991 (NA)
Publisher: Panesian
Developer: Panesian
Genre: Puzzle - Adult
Bubble Bath Babes is mostly the same game as Mermaids of Atlantis, except instead of a mermaid at the bottom of the screen, there's a nude woman. The gameplay is largely the same, except the difficulty seems to be turned down a bit. When I get 4 or 5 bubble clusters in a row, with all four bubbles the same color, which makes them all disappear once hitting the top of the screen, I'd say that's pretty dang easy. You'll also get various cut-scenes between some levels involving scantily-clad women...If you're good enough, you'll see a nude woman as a reward at the end...Which isn't much of a reward since there's a nude woman at the bottom of the screen the entire time you play. But anyway, if Mermaids of Atlantis sounds interesting to you, but you want some pixelated nudity mixed in, then I suppose Bubble Bath Babes is the route you should take...Though neither option is very good.
ape's rating:
Loopz - Famicom and NES
Release Date: October 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Mindscape
Developer: B.I.T.S.
Genre: Puzzle
Loopz is a decent little puzzle game where you get random pieces to work with and your goal is to attach them to each other to form, like the name implies, a loop. Create a loop and the parts disappear and you get some points. It's not quite as exciting as puzzle games like Tetris, but Loopz has its own charm to it. The back of the box states that you can finish your "first session in...oh...five to ten hours. But by then you're addicted." I wouldn't go that far at all, but if you're looking for a different kind of puzzle game for your NES, then Loopz is a decent option to try.
ape's rating:
Xenophobe - Atari 2600
Release Date: 1990 (NA)
Publisher: Atari
Developer: Atari
Genre: Action
Xenophobe is kind of hard for me to review - on one hand, it's very technically impressive for the hardware that it's on. On the other hand, I never really ever saw the appeal of Xenophobe as a game. It seems to be a love it or hate it game, with some folks swearing up and down that it's great while others insist that it stinks. I'm in the middle - I don't hate it, I just don't get the appeal. That said, this is very impressive from the technical aspects of the system, and a rare game to boot, which makes it desirable for collectors, but unless you enjoy of Xenophobe on other platforms, I don't think that the Atari 2600 will convert you into being a fan.
ape's rating:
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