Because I Was Curious, Dammit! Part 4
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How do I keep finding shit like this? Actually, when I read the description of it, it looked like it might be good. Unfortunately, it is nothing but a huge waste of potential.
ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

OK, there is a scene which is unintentionally funny, but it's not worth watching this whole movie. Since a friend recommended it, I really wanted to like this one, but I just couldn't.
The Cinema Snob did a great review of Criminally Insane. You can find it on
The Cinema Snob did a great review of Criminally Insane. You can find it on
ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

This one should have been in my first Because I Was Curious, Dammit! list since I saw it back then. There are boring parts and good parts, if I remember correctly, and Zooey Deschanel gave one of the best performances of her career. Zooey's performance made this movie worth watching. (What the hell happened, Zooey?)
ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

Birdemic: Shock and Terror (2010)
Have you heard? (Cue Surfin' Bird!)
(Sigh) Yet another movie that is supposed to be so shitty that it's funny turned out to be just plain shitty. Sure, the cheap special effects are funny at first, but the novelty wears off quickly. It takes a long time (or at least feels like it) before the fucking birdemic actually happens!
(Sigh) Yet another movie that is supposed to be so shitty that it's funny turned out to be just plain shitty. Sure, the cheap special effects are funny at first, but the novelty wears off quickly. It takes a long time (or at least feels like it) before the fucking birdemic actually happens!
ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

The Room (2003)
I was expecting this one to be so shitty that it is hilarious. Unfortunately, it turned out that it is just shitty. Much like some other shit movies that suckered me in, the Room is mostly just monotonous talking and awkward sex scenes. I actually started to fall asleep, but unfortunately, I couldn't stay asleep.
ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

Only God Forgives (2013)
Only God Forgives isn't great, but it is sometimes interesting as well as fucked up. One of the highlights is the torture scene, which is both disturbing and compelling at the same time.
ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

Drive (2011)
Ryan Gosling sure gets interesting roles in interesting movies. Drive has a great story and great casting. I wasn't sure what to expect but turned out pleasantly surprised. The biggest shock was seeing Albert Brooks in his role. His comedy roles are just OK, but as a villain in this movie he was perfectly cast.
ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

Fred: The Movie (2010)
I must be a masochist (.... I know I'm a masochist - I still live in the Phoenix area). I watched this piece of shit just to see if it is really as horrible as others have said. Let me put it this way - I would rather re-watch Failure to Launch than watch this again. Maybe Fred: The Movie would actually be entertaining if I were baked.
Fred, with his hyperactivity and his screaming, reminded me of the YouTube personality Noah Foxx. The difference is that Noah Foxx is actually pretty damn hilarious while Fred just plain fucking sucks.
You can find Noah Foxx on
WARNING: Do not watch Noah Foxx videos if you have a sensitive stomach.
Fred, with his hyperactivity and his screaming, reminded me of the YouTube personality Noah Foxx. The difference is that Noah Foxx is actually pretty damn hilarious while Fred just plain fucking sucks.
You can find Noah Foxx on
WARNING: Do not watch Noah Foxx videos if you have a sensitive stomach.
ChihuahuaDaddy's rating:

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