2015 Movies: My Order
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Watched as a stand alone movie or as part of the saga this is a decent film and easily one of the best I've seen from 2015 (although I haven't seen many). J.J. Abrams definitely has done a decent job and produced an enjoyable episode to the series. The inclusion of some of the old cast was cool however, I did have a few problems, including; main bad guy was a bullshit tantrum having douche, main bad guys master seemed lame too and some other little stuff too.
*Time to get not serious*
About to fangirl all over the place, you've been warned...
Some of the best stuff from this movie include:
Han and Chewie
(Yes! We're home, Han and Chewie back in the house and giving some poor stormtroopers a really bad day).
Fucking pieces of shit Disney killing off one of my childhood heros Han Solo, dirty bastards
This shot (so awesome omds)
Storm trooper Nazi party
Other epic Visuals
FG93's rating:

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Another cool, fun and action packed Avengers film that I plan to, and already have, rewatched a substantial amount of times.
Probably not as good as the first Avengers film where they all teamed up (Assemble, obv) but this time has an even bigger cast with more awesome characters No Loki :( and Ultron makes a pretty cool bad guy.
There are no strings on me - Awesome line
So pumped for Civil War right nowwwww
FG93's rating:

Creed (2015)
This is a fucking movie right here!
The movie was amazing, the two leads, Michael B. Jordan and Sylvester Stallone were amazing and the story itself (although it could be argued it's similar to the first Rocky) was pretty amazing too.
I think I actually enjoyed this movie a slight bit more than The Hateful Eight which is a surprise to me.
The scene with Creed running down the street with the bikes and quads around him is fucking epic.
FG93's rating:

Been listening to most of the artists in this movie since I was 15, especially Ice Cube, therefore seeing this movie was a must.
A good movie whether you appreciate the genre of music or not.
FG93's rating:

The Hateful Eight (2015)
This is one longggg ass movie, but a good movie nonetheless, as would be expected of the director. Makes for a cool western style movie with some decent sweary violence as always.
Samuel L Jackson is a beast in this movie, as always, and the whole damn cast is too. It's a shame Zoe Bell and Channing Tatum only got 3.5 seconds of screen time though, as they always make interesting characters.
FG93's rating:

American Sniper (2014)
This movie was pretty intense at times and I thought it had a fairly cool story. Quite sad at times, especially when you think about it being based on a true story but I tried not to focus on that, which may sound heartless however I had heard a lot of people complaining all over the internet about the propaganda message and stuff in this movie and so I wanted to just watch it with as much of a clear mind as I could. By doing this I found the movie to be a good war movie with some cool action scenes and still maintain a decent storyline.
I heard of this guy when the first trailer came out so I knew what was going to happen, still can't beleive it though.
FG93's rating:

Jurassic World (2015)
Chris Pratt is back as Starlord, here to save the day from a newly created dinosaur that is part....everything?
Just kidding, is you don't take this movie seriously it's pretty awesome and probably the best Jurassic release since the first. There's definitely some cool shots of the dinosaurs we all want to see and the cast isn't too bad either.
Also I don't care the lead woman ran around in heels the whole time because she was fucking gorgeous so it's cool.
FG93's rating:

Furious 7 (2015)
Always liked the Fast and Furious movies, despite all the hate they get I think they're just cool to watch and not have to take a film too seriously. All the characters we know and like from the other ones are back except Han and Wonder Woman who got killed off in previous installments :(
The main bad guy in this one is standard bad ass Jason Statham and as usual he kicks all kinds of butt, even The Rock's at one point. We also hget a little Ronda Rousey fight time which was a pretty cool scene.
The movie ended perfectly for it to be the end of the series, had to hold in the feels at the end of this scene.
FG93's rating:

Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)
So the title says 2014 but the release date says 2015? And I'm sure I remember hearing people say they saw this around Feb-March so it's staying on this list.
The idea of the movie, that a guy basically from the street goes to compete with some privileged dudes to become one of these secret kingsmen knights is quite cool and it makes for a pretty fun movie. Cast are cool.
Church scene is fucking awesome.
FG93's rating:

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
2 hour car chase, big explosions, random violence, bad guy you instantly hate, Tom Hardy grunts, lack of water, water wastage, lack of fuel, fuel wastage, hot girls, cool visuals, spray on drugs, Furiosa, this movie.
That scene was pretty awesome, and that scene is the entire 120 minutes run time.
FG93's rating:

Ant-Man (2015)
A quite fun movie I guess, nothing special but I wasn't expecting much because...Ant-man. Oh well, it did it's job as a way to pleasantly waste a bit of time until Civil War.
Not a huge fan of Paul Rudd or any of the cast really but I could just about put up with them for the movie, which I wont be repeat watching over and over like I have done with all the other Avenger related movies.
Hold up, did I see T.I in this movie?!
FG93's rating:

Entourage (2015)
Basically a film about a bunch of buddies making a film.
I haven't seen the TV show but wont lie this movie was quite fun.
All the celebrity cameos! So many! Some were actually quite funny too.
Can't believe Thierry Henry was in a movie
FG93's rating:

I wasn't crazy about seeing this movie as the trailer didn't really thrill me but I knew I was going to see it eventually because Will Smith. It turned out to be an okay movie, but I probably wont rewatch for a while, if ever.
Best scene was the part in the viewing box with the Jurassic Park scientist dude BD Wong.
The Orange Wednesday guy is in this movie?!
FG93's rating:

Barely Lethal (2015)
This movie wasn't actually so bad. Acting is alright, action is just okay and the story is predictable af, but it's a pretty short film so it's not so bad and I kind of get those guilty pleasure vibes.
Sansa is fiiiinnneeeee.
FG93's rating:

Was absolutely wrecked when I watched this so no point attempting any serious comments, it seemed okay at the time.
Owen Not-In-A-Serious-Movie
River Gong
Throwing Kids Off A Building In Slow Mo
The Police For Two Minutes
This Guy And The Cheapest Mask Ever Made:
FG93's rating:

This movie has a few funny moments, but just not enough to make it rewatchable.
Not sure what else to say...this movie is just OK.
FG93's rating:

Diablo (2015)
It's cool to see Scott Eastwood in a lead role, even if the movie isn't that great, as up until now I've only seen him in minor roles or that Taylor Swift music video.
Too many boring sections of this movie to rewatch, could of been better with a decent director.
FG93's rating:

My run down of the 2015 movies that I've seen.
Not seen many yet (Start of 2016, my bad) so I will have to keep updating this as I go...
Not seen many yet (Start of 2016, my bad) so I will have to keep updating this as I go...
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