Get Hard
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It has its moments
Characters/Acting: Well Will Ferrell pretty much starts my patience level extremely low. Kevin Hart steadie... read more
An old concept with a new pair.
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“To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much from this flick but, somehow, I stil ended up watching the damned thing though. Basically, it turned out to be some kind of awkward and misguided riff on 'Trading Places' and, even if it wasn't really awful, it was still pretty weak though. It also reminded me of Adam Sandler's work (which is definitely not a compliment) with this main character acting seriously offensive and discriminative all the time but, at the end, it turned out after all that he actually had a heart of gold which was supposed to make his previous appalling behaviour somehow suddenly acceptable. Concerning the humor, I really believe that Will Ferrel and Kevin Hart both can be really funny though. However, there was not much they could do with this material. Indeed, one of them ” read more
"Result: #69 on "Best Films of 2015" list. Trailer: "
" This movie is exactly what you think it will be. If you like either actor, check it out. If not, stay away so the rest of us don't have to hear you bitch about how terrible it was."
"2015 Comedy Duo Comedy Actor, Hart, Ferrell Misunderstood Movies Vote for this"
" DVD- 1hr. 40min. First Viewing A disappointing buddy comedy disguised as a semi-satire on race and wealth, Get Hard is very funny at times, but not enough to justify many of the choices it makes. Of the comedy that actually works, Ferrell and Hart are responsible for most of it and have solid comedic chemistry that deserved a better film. The stuff that doesn't work though, is fairly homophobic and racist. If the gags where smarter, and funnier, then maybe it would work, but it doesn't really h"
" 7.1/10 Knowing this isn't going to be high-brow going in, it's easy to find the laughs and pratfalls in this comedy that didn't reach its full potential but will leave you satisfied. As anyone who knows me will know I basically like anything Will Ferrell touches, with the exception of his efforts in 2005."
"Will Ferrell on joutumassa vankilaan talousrikoksesta, jonka takia elämästä aletaan oppia. Onneksi lopussa paha saa palkkansa ja neekeri heiluttaa persettään. Saanko luvan sanoa neekeri, jos se on vitsi? Ainakin se on tämän elokuvan opetus. Olihan tämä vähän parempi kuin odotin. Ei silti mitenkään hyvä."