Mulholland Drive - Region 2 DVD
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(669 items)list by Hiramunda
Published 14 years, 1 month ago
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Pandora couldn't resist opening the forbidden box containing all the delusions of mankind, and let's just say in Mulholland Drive David Lynch indulges a similar impulse. Employing a familiar film noir atmosphere to unravel, as he coyly puts it, "a love story in the city of dreams", Lynch establishes a foreboding but playful narrative in the film's first half before subsuming all of Los Angeles and its corrupt ambitions into his voyeuristic universe of desire. Identities exchange, amnesia proliferates and nightmare visions are induced, but not before we've become enthralled by the film's two main chara
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Manufacturer: Vvl
Release date: 9 September 2002
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 3259190288393
Release date: 9 September 2002
Number of discs: 1
EAN: 3259190288393
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