Heroes of the East (Shaolin Challenges Ninja) (Zhong hua zhang fu (Shaolin contre ninja)) (1978)
list by Kukkakaali

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" Date: 3/12/2022 Viewed: Blu-ray Re-watch Note: I received the Arrow Shaw Brothers Blu-ray box set as a gift for Christmas and have yet to watch it. Given that it was Saturday and I had nothing else planned, I decided to select a film from the collection. I chose Heroes of the East because I hadn't seen it in over a decade and wanted to see how well it had aged. In my opinion, the film still holds up well. Heroes of the East, also known as Shaolin vs. Ninja is a great action film. The film ha"

"With a title like Shaolin Challenges Ninja... how could this movie not be amazing? With excellently choreographed fight scenes, a decent storyline, and a great assortment of fighting styles and weaponry, this movie is amazing. And there's not that much more to say. Watch this movie if you're a fan of classic Shaw Brother's martial arts mayhem. The only disappointment would come in how easily the hero defeats each villain. But his reasons for non-violence fit the storyline and thus, can't be avoi"

"First viewing - Sept. 2nd Chia-Liang Liu double feature There are some epic fight scenes throughout this one that make it worthwhile, though the actual plot leaves something to be desired. Basically it's just the characters fighting to determine whether Chinese or Japanese martial arts is the best, and since the film was made by the Chinese you can easily guess which will win. It's solidly entertaining though, thanks to engaging characters & the aforementioned fight scenes. I might watch it aga"