Shutter (ชัตเตอร์ กดติดวิญญาณ)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by Hootsaidtheowl

list by Harmonica

list by Manling

list by Suspiria98

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" First Viewing Viewing Date: May 22nd Via: Netflix Plot: A young photographer and his girlfriend discover mysterious shadows in their photographs after fleeing the scene of a fatal car accident. It fast becomes clear that a vindictive spirit is haunting them. Rating: 6.7/10"

"Bueno mis espectativa sobre esta pelicula eran altas, al parecer demasiado porque realmente la pelicula no es lo que esperaba; primero la pelicula tiene un solo gran punto a su favor su historia que es interesante y pudo llegar mucho mas lejos, el verdadero problema aqui fue la direccion que desde el ritmo de las escenas hasta como son filmadas están hechas de maneras apresuradas y sosas, en cuanto al miedo la pelicula tiene momentos en que logra hacer algo pero cuando llega a su clímax este s"

"28.10, PC Kuulin kavereilta, että tämä olisi pelottava, joten siihen nähden kyllä petyin. Näissä aasialaisissa kauhuissa on tunnelma huomattavasti kylmäävämpi ja painostavampi kuin murican vastaavissa, mutta Shutterin tapauksessa tunnelmaan sekoittuu myös sellaista jollain tapaa tunkkaista ilmeettömyyttä, mikä ilmenee siten että osa kohtauksista on kuin katselisi maalin kuivumista. Jokunen ihan hyvä pelottelu tästä kuitenkin löytyy, vaikka nämä pitkätukkaiset naiskummituks"

" Familiar Actors: None True Rating: 5.5/10 My Review: Reviewer"
“You know I honestly didn't like the American remake very much. I'm sure that isn't a huge surprise. I did want to see this to see how the original fairs. I was told that this isn't worth watching. For me that's a signal to go ahead and check it out and see if it really is not worth my time. Call me a glutton for punishment. Banjong Pisanthanakun is the only one of the writers/directors that I have seen before. He directed one of the shorts I actually liked from ABCs of Death. It's time to see how I feel about this one.
For the most part this was just okay. There really isn't a lot that happens for a majority of the film. It's mostly just atmospherically haunting with attempts at jump scares sporadically. A lot of the time it was easy to figure where the ghost would pop up seeing ” read more