Man with a Movie Camera (Chelovek s kino-apparatom) (1929)
list by upidipi

list by Harmonica

list by Mr. Saturn

list by ToonHead2102

list by Mickey Mickenson

Man with a Movie Camera Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
A classic

Update feed

" 2020: 305 2019: 316 2018: 322 2017: 328 2016: 335 2015: 346 2014: 362 2013: 369 "

" 2019: 316 2018: 322 2017: 328 2016: 335 2015: 346 2014: 362 2013: 369 "

" 2018: 322 2017: 328 2016: 335 2015: 346 2014: 362 2013: 369 "

"10.3.2023 Urkusäestyksellä Tampereen tuomiokirkossa uusintakatsottu. Henkeäsalpaava kokemus!"

" 2017: 328 2016: 335 2015: 346 2014: 362 2013: 369 "

" 2016: 335 2015: 346 2014: 362 2013: 369 "

"I know it's a documentary but I must include it to this list, because it's one of my favourite productions of that decade."

" Notes: First of all, I must admit it, after 5 minutes, I stopped the whole thing and put some of my own music. I don’t know, the prospect of watching an hour long feature without any dialogs, music, or any sound of any kind was a rather daunting prospect. Maybe it was a mistake from my side but I was rather glad with my music selection. Basically, this movie is quite unique. It is almost 100 years old, and it is not some fiction but not a documentary either. Basically, it is something quite"

" Notes: First of all, I must admit it, after 5 minutes, I stopped the whole thing and put some of my own music. I don’t know, the prospect of watching an hour long feature without any dialogs, music, or any sound of any kind was a rather daunting prospect. Maybe it was a mistake from my side but I was rather glad with my music selection. Basically, this movie is quite unique. It is almost 100 years old, and it is not some fiction but not a documentary either. Basically, it is something quite "

"Come dicono i cartelli iniziali, un lungo esperimento sulle potenzialità dello sguardo cinematografico: la vita di una città e dei suoi abitanti raccontata dall'alba al tramonto - tra lavoro, incombenze quotidiane e svago - e inevitabilmente rielaborata dall'occhio che guarda. Mentre l'uomo del titolo vaga qua e là tra acrobazie e trovate buffe, un accurato lavoro di montaggio mette in fila schermi sdoppiati, sovrapposizioni, accelerazioni, rallentamenti, fermi immagine in un caleidoscopio ch"

"Stehako - 8 points. TOTAL SCORE - 8 POINTS. "