Red Beard (Akahige) (1965)
list by ToonHead2102
list by Ruisperkele
list by Dbcook
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Red Beard Redemption
UPC: 037429168820
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“As a fan of Kurosawa prior to seeing it in 35mm (to my surprise!), I went in with high expectations and the film delivers on many occasions. The pace ”
“As a fan of Kurosawa prior to seeing it in 35mm (to my surprise!), I went in with high expectations and the film delivers on many occasions. The pace is meditative and methodical, as it weaves and foreshadows, following Dr. Yasumoto through his first assignment in a tough, under-funded clinic for the impoverished. His journey is earned, and while the film is three hours long, I felt intrigued by the subplots and storytelling style. I must admit, I did get a little confused at parts with a specific subplot, but that was resolved by reviewing with my comrades.
I very much appreciated the attention to detail, and what seemed to be an authentic look at what a doctor would do in that time and place. But what really compelled me to keep watching was Toshiro Mifune as Red Beard. He goe” read more
"4.4 Kurosawan ei-samuraielokuvat eivät saa täällä länsimaissa osakseen sitä tunnustusta, minkä ne ansaitsevat. Ikirua on lähes tulkoon mahdoton ylittää, mutta harmillisen vähälle huomiolle jäänyt Punaparta tulee hyvänä kakkosena perässä. Aikuistumistarinana erinomainen ja maanläheinen. Nuoren, vastavalmistuneen lääkäri Yasumoton on valittava työnsä kunnian ja maineen välillä. Syrjäisen tuppukylän vaatimaton klinikka ei ehkä ole kunnianhimoisen nousukkaan ihannetyöp"