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Facts about my movie-watching

Movie list created by Kristian Avatar

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Decade: Rating: List Type:
People who added this item 6509 Average listal rating (4595 ratings) 8.1 IMDB Rating 8.6
Seven (1995)


I have watched 7 Movies in one day.

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 236 Average listal rating (155 ratings) 7.5 IMDB Rating 7.6


I have watched 73 Movies in one month.

People who added this item 3552 Average listal rating (2457 ratings) 7.5 IMDB Rating 7.7


Watched over 500 movies in one year: 581
- With films seen twice that year: 587
- The list: 2010 Movie Diary by Kris...

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 5069 Average listal rating (3439 ratings) 7.9 IMDB Rating 8.5

Most Percentage Seen From an Director.

I have seen 100% of all Christopher Nolan Films. This is my highest rated percentage I've got from an director atm. 10/10 films are seen. He is one of my favorie directors and haven't made to many films yet, so it wasn't too much of a suprise.

The Prestige is my favorite film from the director!

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 1691 Average listal rating (1207 ratings) 6.2 IMDB Rating 6.7

Most Seen in one Month (One Film).

I have watched it 10 times in one month.


When I was around 14-15 years old, I loved Demolition Man. It was cool and very funny to watch. One of my best childhood memories (when it comes to films that is). Now it's still entertainable.

The villain is pretty cool too!

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 391 Average listal rating (243 ratings) 6.8 IMDB Rating 7.1
JCVD (2008)

Most Percentage Seen From an Actor.

I have watched 67% of Jean-Claude Van Damme's movies. This is my highest rated percentage I've got on an actor atm. 39/58 movies is seen. He was my favorite action-actor back in the days, but when I have taking some rewatches - the films aren't that good. Tho, he prooved himself and other that he could act in the film from 2008 - JCVD. This is my favorite movie from him.

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 2911 Average listal rating (1746 ratings) 7.5 IMDB Rating 7.7
- Best Actor.
Back in the days, my favorite actors where Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and the named Jean-Claude Van Damme. This was until I got a turning point in my life and got a little bit different taste in movies and actors. But my first meeting with the actor, we have to go a little bit back.

Reign of Fire was showed in Norway in 2002. I went with an friend of my (Which ironically enough isn't too good friend with me now) and we were amazingly suprised. We liked it a lot back then. Now I think it's still entertainable, but not too good. Many says today that he does a good job in The Dark Knight and that is one of his good works, but not THE best. Well, a lot of people forget the movies like Equilibrium, American Psycho and of course El Maquinista (The Machinist)! He's still good in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight of course, but we can't forget the other fantastic performances! This I understood after I had my turning point - 2/3 years ago - and I had a new favorite actor, not only one of them, but my all-time favorite as well.

And the extreme body modificaton that he did from El Maquinist to Batman Begins is unbelievable. It seems also that he have done some body modification from Public Enemies to The Fighter.

Extreme Body Modification by drugs

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 1425 Average listal rating (1011 ratings) 6.2 IMDB Rating 6.9
Rocky IV (1985)
- Worst Actor Period.
I have actually never been fascinated by mr. Lundgren. He wasn't a huge hit as sly, terminator and the karate machine was. When I saw him in Rocky IV, I remember me thinking that this was the only film I had seen him in. Tho, after some watches I think I won't cry over spilt milk here. Especially not in the later days, as of today. Since he is an horrible actor. The only thing he could play was an russian oversized drugheaded boxer a longside sly. And still when we watch it, we are cheering for sly to kick his teeth out, Literally! Dolph Lundgren is of now the worst actor that is (for me atm).

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 2910 Average listal rating (1857 ratings) 7.5 IMDB Rating 7.8
Walk the Line (2005)
- Best Suprised by an Actor
Actually, I really disliked Joaquin Phoenix as an actor in my earlier days. But all of that changed when I saw Walk the Line for the first time. Then I really got to see what a great actor he really are, and the movie itself was also stunningly good!

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 1055 Average listal rating (645 ratings) 6.8 IMDB Rating 7.1
Remember Me (2010)
- A Character I can Relate to the Most

Tyler Hawkins

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 114 Average listal rating (83 ratings) 3.3 IMDB Rating 3.1
Far Cry (2008)
- Worst Director Ever.
He is the worst director in the industry atm and that by far. Ulli Lommel should also be a terrible director, that is what I'm seeing on iMDB at least. BUT no one can match this stupid director. He have made movies from massive well-knowed games, like Far Cry. What the hell is he thinking, when he can't get the right actors, screenplayworkers or the effects to shoot this films.

I got hold up with this director 3 years ago, when I saw BloodRayne, and from there you think he have gotten better and better, since the movie was awful, but no. He has actually gone worse this next years. How is that possible? And I want to know where he gets his money from. No one can be stupid enough to give him money to make a film these days. He also took my favorite actor (Jason Statham) and putted him in the horrible film, In the Name of the King. And What's up with all these sequels? BloodRayne III and In the Name of the King 2? WTF!!!?

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 3299 Average listal rating (2264 ratings) 6.8 IMDB Rating 7.3
- Best Guilty Pleasure Movie (HEY, we ALL got at least ONE)
This is my biggest guily pleasure atm. My first viewing with this film, it blowed my mind away. And still today I really like watching it. Many other people have The Rock as their favorite. But Face/off is mine. Close followed by Con Air and, all-ready mentioned, The Rock

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 1764 Average listal rating (991 ratings) 7.8 IMDB Rating 7.9
- Best Upcoming Director.
Lars Von Trier is obscure and very very real in his films. Well, in most of them that is. I haven't watched a lot of his movies yet, and that's a shame, really - since he is another possibly favorite director. My first experience with Trier was his 2009-film, Antichrist. Visually I was amazed. It was stunning, and I though the film itself were really good. Then it took some time for another Trier-experience, but early this year (january-february) I finally sat down to watch Dancer in the Dark. I had waited for 2 years to see this film, because people warned from seeing, since it was boring. Boring? Dancer is an perfect masterpiece, that should be seen by all movielovers out there.

Now, you probably think I took a Trier-marathon. No, I didn't. Trier's film need a break from each other, otherwise it can be too much. But, I think it was in August, I finally sat downed to watch one more of his film. Now this film is around 3 hours, so it's very hard to watch, even if you are a fan of Trier. But again, a marvelous film. Not Dancer in the Dark-perfection, but clearly up there with one of the best movies out there.

Now, after seeing 4 movies I must really say he's about to be one of my favorite directors. He is definately up-and-coming.

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 10 Average listal rating (5 ratings) 6.8 IMDB Rating 6.6
Fog (2010)
- One Film I Think more People Should See

Kristian's rating:
- Best Fighter

Scott Adkins

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 2132 Average listal rating (1456 ratings) 7.1 IMDB Rating 7.6
- Best Film That Haven't Changed Over the Years.
At least one time in your life, you have been up much longer than you supposed to, because of a movie. 48 Hrs. was my first film who was like that. The second film that happend to, was Lethal Weapon. Now, first time I watched this film - I was amazed. The same went for 48 Hrs. Well, now I have taken a rewatch with both of the films and Lethal Weapon is the film that have hold it standards. Hell, it goes for all 4 of them - even tho the second is the worst of them. But belive me, that says a lot.

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 7844 Average listal rating (5661 ratings) 8.3 IMDB Rating 9
- Seen Most Times at the Cinema.
I watched The Dark Knight 4 times when it was going at the cinema. From 20. july to 4. august.

After the cinema experience I have wtached The Dark Knight 2 times more on DVD. More times awaits after I get it on Blu-Ray!

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 3146 Average listal rating (2087 ratings) 6.8 IMDB Rating 7.3
Gremlins (1984)
- Best Childhood Memory.
Today I can say a lot my childhood. But one thing is for sure; Films was easy and just pure fun then. Now I have watched a lot of films that was fun in my childhood, that isn't too much fun to watch now. But one film that I got my best memories from is Gremlins, closely followed by Home Alone & Home Alone 2. First time I watched the film, I was a little bit afraid from it, to be honest. But after getting the spin-off product, a Gizmotoy I have always been thinking the film as an funny and scary movie. My memories with this film will never go away, even tho I watch it 10 years later - I still have the same feeling when I watch the movie 10 years before.

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 6246 Average listal rating (4388 ratings) 8.2 IMDB Rating 8.8
Inception (2010)
- Most Anticipated Movie that Delivered what it Suppose to Deliver.
After having watched The Dark Knight 4 times at the cinema and a Nolan had another rumored project, I almost couldn't wait for the movie to be released.

Now, before I went to the cinema to watch this masterpiece, I got to know that Nolan had spent 8 years on the script. I would say that's 8 years well spent!

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 4654 Average listal rating (3047 ratings) 7.8 IMDB Rating 8
- Best Suprised by a Movie
Darren Aronofsky is another upcoming director that have impressed me with two of his other works; Requiem of a Dream & The Wrestler. Black Swan suprised me. Not that I thought BS would suck, but rather that it really gave me an intense movie experience which I didn't think it would do.

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 365 Average listal rating (239 ratings) 5.6 IMDB Rating 6.1
Extract (2009)
- Biggest Celebrity Crush!
My biggest crush have been Mila Kunis. It started in That' 70s Show and has just evolved from there to her newest films - The Book of Eli & Extract.
More celebrity crushes can be find here

Kristian's rating:
- My all-time favorite movie

Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 717 Average listal rating (467 ratings) 7.4 IMDB Rating 8.8
- My all-time favorite TV-Show
There are a lot of Shows that can be highly appreciated and loveable. But nobody show has ever blowed me totally away and given me a heck of suprise until I saw Curb Your Enthusiasm. The situations Larry is bumping into feels real and this is situations you most likely can relate to. And the humouristically twist to the situation is perfectly timed and done. The actors do a hell of a good job too!

My Favorite Episodes:
- The Grand Opening (S03E10)
- The Survivor (S04E09)
- Opening Night (S04E10)
- The Freak Book (S06E05)
- The Black Swan (S07E07)
- The Safe House (S08E02)
Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 2666 Average listal rating (1616 ratings) 6.8 IMDB Rating 7
- Biggest disappointment at the Big Screen

After I had watched this trailer, I was really looking forward to this film! It looked classy and cool, but what I got served was a medi-core film with a style that didn't fit the film and gunshots-sound that could blow my ear off...
Kristian's rating:
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My Achilles' heel

Sometimes a film doesn't have to be really good quality vice to get me hooked. Sometimes a film only need a really good twist, that can shake things up a bit, or it can be many good fight-scenes.
People who added this item 4394 Average listal rating (2958 ratings) 7.7 IMDB Rating 8.2
A Film with a Twist
Kristian's rating:
People who added this item 481 Average listal rating (315 ratings) 7.3 IMDB Rating 7.4
Kristian's rating:

I really like watching films, there's no question about that! And I'm proud of it!
Now let see what my records/facts are so far...

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