My Reviews/Thoughts
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Kingdom Hearts - PlayStation 2
I know this is my review but it's not my favorite looking back. I could have done more, and I even forgot certain gameplay elements when I did this.
I know this is my review but it's not my favorite looking back. I could have done more, and I even forgot certain gameplay elements when I did this.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Nintendo Wii
This was abit better than my first review. I don't know what I was thinking not adding a intro to this and this was abit boring to read.
This was abit better than my first review. I don't know what I was thinking not adding a intro to this and this was abit boring to read.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - PlayStation 2
For some reason, this one took awhile to finished but I think it went well.
For some reason, this one took awhile to finished but I think it went well.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Ni no Kuni Shikkoku no Madoshi - Nintendo DS
This is the first and only time I ask someone on Youtube for using part of the translation for the intro of this. Again thank you very much RedSunGamerTV. For the review itself, I wasn't going to review in the first place but I changed my mind and went ahead with it. I think this went really well and I wish to add pictures to show more of the game.
This is the first and only time I ask someone on Youtube for using part of the translation for the intro of this. Again thank you very much RedSunGamerTV. For the review itself, I wasn't going to review in the first place but I changed my mind and went ahead with it. I think this went really well and I wish to add pictures to show more of the game.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Xenoblade Chronicles - Nintendo Wii
I made this after I beat it. This one I wish I could have say more about it but oh well.
I made this after I beat it. This one I wish I could have say more about it but oh well.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pandora's Tower - Nintendo Wii
This went really well but I forgot to mentain new game plus on it. Another thing I wished to put is the pictures again to show more of the game.
This went really well but I forgot to mentain new game plus on it. Another thing I wished to put is the pictures again to show more of the game.
LordDarkrai's rating:

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Nintendo 64
Not many comments I have with this one but I think it went pretty good.
Not many comments I have with this one but I think it went pretty good.
LordDarkrai's rating:
This is made just after I beat the game and my thoughts were very fresh and this makes the return of pictures on my reviews. Other than that, it went pretty well.
This is made just after I beat the game and my thoughts were very fresh and this makes the return of pictures on my reviews. Other than that, it went pretty well.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Pokรฉmon Black Version - Nintendo DS
This was the one game I always wanted to review when I started reviewing and it went well.
This was the one game I always wanted to review when I started reviewing and it went well.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Ninjabread Man - Nintendo Wii
This is my first negative review when you could tell I was not happy. Boy looking by, I went far on this. I made up a story for some reason. It wasn't on my rough draft but I came up with it during the typing process. This is the first review I posted a video on it. I think I going to add videos for show a track or show a element in any game.This is also the first time I cursed in a review which I don't do usually. I will admit I have fun typing this up and even typing about it made me abit mad.
This is my first negative review when you could tell I was not happy. Boy looking by, I went far on this. I made up a story for some reason. It wasn't on my rough draft but I came up with it during the typing process. This is the first review I posted a video on it. I think I going to add videos for show a track or show a element in any game.This is also the first time I cursed in a review which I don't do usually. I will admit I have fun typing this up and even typing about it made me abit mad.
LordDarkrai's rating:

.hack//Infection Part 1 - PlayStation 2
This has always been a guilty pleasure. I considered reviewing also the 3 other games but I just stick to this volume since the beginning and I wouldn't spoil any major points in the games.
This has always been a guilty pleasure. I considered reviewing also the 3 other games but I just stick to this volume since the beginning and I wouldn't spoil any major points in the games.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Phantasy Star Portable - PlayStation Portable
This one I really wanted to like but some of it's aspects just killed it for me. It's not a terrible game but it's not one I would play often. At least it's not Ninja Breadman.
This one I really wanted to like but some of it's aspects just killed it for me. It's not a terrible game but it's not one I would play often. At least it's not Ninja Breadman.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Rock 'n' Roll Adventures - Nintendo Wii
Other game made by Data Design. This one I was more calm then the other game made by them that I reviewed. Other than that, I got nothing else to say.
Other game made by Data Design. This one I was more calm then the other game made by them that I reviewed. Other than that, I got nothing else to say.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Solatorobo: Red the Hunter - Nintendo DS
I wish I could redue this one. I felt it went on for too long with the grammar off, but oh well.
I wish I could redue this one. I felt it went on for too long with the grammar off, but oh well.
LordDarkrai's rating:

My reviews from the past months to the most recent ones and the ones I might review in the future. I will update this list when I post a new review and comment on my past reviews if anything came up.
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