My favorite game soundtracks
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Mass Effect 2 - PlayStation 3
This represents the whole ME-series, the music of this game series is just amazing. The series soundtracks in order:
Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3 and Mass Effect
Favorite tracks: Suicide Mission (ME 2),Aralakh Company (ME 3), The Normandy(ME)
Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3 and Mass Effect
Favorite tracks: Suicide Mission (ME 2),Aralakh Company (ME 3), The Normandy(ME)
hsallinen's rating:

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - PlayStation 4
This game has great music especially the Skellige Isles songs.
hsallinen's rating:

The Last of Us - PlayStation 3
This game has really great soundtrack that added so much to the atmosphere. Gustavo Santaolalla used detuned guitars and various new instruments to him when he made this soundtrack.
Favorite tracks: Vanishing Grace (Innocence),The Path, The Last of Us.
Favorite tracks: Vanishing Grace (Innocence),The Path, The Last of Us.
hsallinen's rating:

Horizon Zero Dawn - PlayStation 4
Really beautiful orchestral score composed by 4 different composers. The score has a great mixture of futuristic synth sounds to flutes that are more tribal sounding. Those added to the more contemporary orchestral music (cellos, violins, guitars etc.) made this one of my favorite OSTs.
hsallinen's rating:

Red Dead Redemption - PlayStation 3
Red Dead Redemption is overall one of the best if not the best game ever made, and the soundtrack is as good as anything else in the game.
Favorite tracks: Born Unto Trouble, The Shootist, Jose Gonzalez - Far Away ,William Elliot Whitmore - Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie.
Favorite tracks: Born Unto Trouble, The Shootist, Jose Gonzalez - Far Away ,William Elliot Whitmore - Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie.
hsallinen's rating:

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon - PlayStation Network
The soundtrack fits the game perfectly.
Favorite tracks: Blood Dragon Theme(Reprise), Sleeping Dragon, Moment of Calm
Favorite tracks: Blood Dragon Theme(Reprise), Sleeping Dragon, Moment of Calm
hsallinen's rating:

Dragon Age: Inquisition - PlayStation 4
Like the Mass Effect this Bioware series has great music too. Inquisition is my favorite, Origins is second and DA II is the third one.
Favorite tracks: Dragon Age Inquisition Theme, Journey To Skyhold, A World Torn Asunder (Gameplay Trailer)
Favorite tracks: Dragon Age Inquisition Theme, Journey To Skyhold, A World Torn Asunder (Gameplay Trailer)
hsallinen's rating:

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - PlayStation 2
The MGS-series is full of great music, but my favorite is definitely the music of MGS 3: Snake Eater. The memories of starting this game for the first time and the theme song starting to play are still fresh on my mind after all these years.
hsallinen's rating:

Assassin's Creed III - PlayStation 3
Assassin's Creed-series has many great tracks that add really much to the atmosphere of the games. The AC III and AC 4:Black Flag are probably the two best OST's of the Assassin's Creed games. But every game has really great music in them.
hsallinen's rating:

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - PlayStation 3
The second Uncharted has the best score of the whole series. I got the game bundled with first PS3 (after PS2 I switched to Xbox 360 first since it was cheaper. After two weird console breaks/ red ring of deaths I bought the slim PS3 ). And Uncharted 2 really impressed me with the graphics and atmosphere that the music really helped to build.
hsallinen's rating:

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - PlayStation 2
Vice City takes the number 1 spot of the Grand Theft Auto-series' soundtracks. Grand Theft Auto V had also nice original score in addition to the radiochannel-music. But overall Vice City has the best music of the GTA's.
hsallinen's rating:

Batman: Arkham Knight - PlayStation 4
The Arkham-series has great music that fits the game's tone perfectly.
hsallinen's rating:

L.A. Noire - PlayStation 3
The soundtrack adds so much to the noire/1940's feeling.
hsallinen's rating:

Max Payne 2 - The Fall of Max Payne - PC Games
The soundtrack is a bit better than the first one's so I put this one here. First two had great dark tone and storylines and the soundtracks backed that up.
hsallinen's rating:

GoldenEye 007 - Nintendo 64
The first really nostalgic game soundtrack in this list. I didn't own this game but I played this with friends and cousins.
hsallinen's rating:

Dead Space - PlayStation 3
The first one was really great atmospheric horror game that had the soundtrack to back the tone up (The following two were okay action games with some horror elements in them).
hsallinen's rating:

Super Mario Bros. 3 - Famicom and NES
I never owned the game but I played it basically every time I visited my cousin's in the 90's and I also borrowed this numerous times until my NES broke down and I switched to the Playstation(This switch is the reason why there isn't that much of Nintendo game's in this list since I've never owned another Nintendo system after that).
hsallinen's rating:

Crash Bandicoot - PlayStation
I played this game so much when I got it with the first Playstation. So I've heard this game's music many many times.
hsallinen's rating:

Power Blade - Famicom and NES
One of the first games I ever played. I was also awful at it as a kid. But this soundtrack felt familiar even after almost 20 years since playing it.
hsallinen's rating:

FIFA Football 2003 - PlayStation 2
This spot is for the FIFA's and NHL's since 1999 to 2016. I've owned most of them so I've been "brainwashed" to the soundtracks even if most of the songs really aren't my cup of tea but I never bothered to mix the playlists.
hsallinen's rating:

Super Meat Boy - PlayStation 4
This game has nice tracks but I haven't yet played too much of the game so this has the honors to end this list.
hsallinen's rating:

My favorite game soundtracks. I decided to put only one game soundtrack per series to the list because otherwise it would have been filled with few game series' different games (Mass Effect, GTA, MGS etc.).
The ratings are for the games and not the soundtracks.
The ratings are for the games and not the soundtracks.
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