Movie Taglines
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Wreck-It Ralph (2012)
The story of a regular guy just looking for a little wreck-ognition.
yreesesfreak's rating:
10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
How do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways.
yreesesfreak's rating:
Which taglines do you like? Feel free to make suggestions.
Does anyone know the tagline "The con is on" and what movie it's from? I remember seeing that somewhere, but I forgot the movie. And in your search, disregard the movie The Con Is On. I've never even heard of it.
Does anyone know the tagline "The con is on" and what movie it's from? I remember seeing that somewhere, but I forgot the movie. And in your search, disregard the movie The Con Is On. I've never even heard of it.