'Mop Up! Move Out! - Helicopter Combat Sims
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DCS: Black Shark - PC Games
Mar. 2009 - Eagle Dynamics
From the developers of the award-winning 'Lock-On' jet combat simulator comes a new sim series DCS (Digital Combat Simulator), beginning with Black Shark, which focuses on the KA-50 'Black Shark' Russian helicopter.
From the developers of the award-winning 'Lock-On' jet combat simulator comes a new sim series DCS (Digital Combat Simulator), beginning with Black Shark, which focuses on the KA-50 'Black Shark' Russian helicopter.

Black Hawk (Add-On for MS FSX) - PC Games
Jun. 2007 - First Class
While not a combat simulator, this MS Flight Simulator X add-on allows very realistic flights of various 'Hawk'-type helicopters.
While not a combat simulator, this MS Flight Simulator X add-on allows very realistic flights of various 'Hawk'-type helicopters.

Super Huey III - PC Games
2003 - Cosmi
Eighteen years after the original Super Huey came storming to C64 gamers, Cosmi tried to revive the series. Unfortunately, it was simply atrocious.
Eighteen years after the original Super Huey came storming to C64 gamers, Cosmi tried to revive the series. Unfortunately, it was simply atrocious.

Comanche Gold - PC Games
1998 - NovaLogic
A re-packaged Comance 3 with many new features, including a new graphics engine with enhanced weather, 4 new campaigns and 50 new missions, and higher resolution.
A re-packaged Comance 3 with many new features, including a new graphics engine with enhanced weather, 4 new campaigns and 50 new missions, and higher resolution.

AHX-1 - PC Games
1997 - GT Interactive

"In a genre that's already given us Hind, Longbow, and the Comanche series, AHX-1 simply doesn't measure up." - Gamespot
ATAC: Advanced Tactical Air Command - PC Games
1992 - Argonaut / MicroProse
In this hybrid strategy/simulator game, you can control one of two vehicles - an F-22 Raptor, or an AH-64 Apache helicopter.
In this hybrid strategy/simulator game, you can control one of two vehicles - an F-22 Raptor, or an AH-64 Apache helicopter.

Prelude's rating:

Games focused on helicopter simulators, mostly combat (though some civilian helicopter sims are included).
Other Simulator Lists:
* As Real As They Get: BEST SIMULATORS
* Evolution of Racing Simulators
* Fly the Friendly Skies: History of Flight Sims
* WWII Air Combat Flight Simulators
* WWI Air Combat Flight Simulators
* Dive! Dive! History of Submarine Sims
* 'All Aboard! Train & Rail Simulators
* Ahoy Mate! History of Pirates & Sails
* 'Lock On! Modern Air Combat Sims
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