jOhnny DepP firearms !!
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Dillinger holds his Thompson while riding on a getaway car.
Colt M1921AC Thompson with 50-round drum - .45 ACP.
bluejeansx's rating:
bluejeansx's rating:
Blow (2001)
George holds his .45 to Diego's head.
Several M1911A1s are used during the film. A South American drug dealer (Miguel Perez) who Diego Delgado (Jordi Mollà) had a falling out with sticks a black 1911 in George Jung's (Johnny Depp) mouth. When George goes to see Diego on Norman Cay, he holds an unloaded silver 1911 with diamond grips to Diego's head and then his own. In real life, George Jung's favorite weapon of choice was a nickel-plated Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum revolver with walnut grips.
bluejeansx's rating:
Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)
Sands fires his M11/9 wildly
A Cobray M-11 fitted with a mock suppressor is used by Sands (Johnny Depp) in the gun battle at the end of the film.
bluejeansx's rating:
bluejeansx's rating:
From Hell (2001)
Aberline (johnny depp) holds the revolver to the head of Gull (Ian Holm).
Bulldog revolver
During the confrontation between Inspector George Aberline (Johnny Depp) and Sir William Withey Gull (Ian Holm), Aberline reveals a Webley Bulldog Revolver from his jacket and preceeds to take a shot at Gull, but he is struck from behind with a billy club before he can get a shot off.
bluejeansx's rating:
Duke prepares to fire the Model 19
Smith & Wesson Model 19 - .357 Magnum.
The main gun seen in the film is a Smith & Wesson Model 19, referred to as a ".357" by Duke and Gonzo. It is only fired by Duke in the latter stages of the film. In the novel, the gun is a Colt Python Snub with a beveled cylinder.
bluejeansx's rating:
Donnie Brasco (1997)
Pistone fires the CZ 75 at the FBI firing range.
"Pre-B" CZ 75 9x19mm
FBI agent Joseph Pistone (Johnny Depp) is seen on the firing range with a CZ 75 at the end of the film. This scene was only added because the studio wanted a shot of Depp firing a gun to use in the trailers.
bluejeansx's rating:
Blake inside the canoe with the Colt Pocket.
Colt 1849 Pocket - .31 caliber.
The trading post missionary (Alfred Molina) attempts to draw a Colt 1849 Pocket but Blake knocks it away from him and shoots him with his SAA. Blake then takes the Colt 1849 Pocket and holds it in the canoe as he and Nobody float away
bluejeansx's rating:
johnny is my favorite actor so i decided to chose the Guy with Guns in his movies,
and public enemies inspire me to make this list :) hope his fans like it !
L◎g◎™ ☺✈ ☠
The ฿ank job (•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿ ̿”
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