Dynamix classic flight simulators
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A-10 Tank Killer - PC Games
1989 - The first Combat Flight simulator developed by Dynamix was this realistic simulation of the A-10 Warthog. Although the graphics were quite primitive (it was 1989 after all), this simulator boasted unique features such as AI that communicated with you in-flight, and actions performed (or objectives not achieved) would affect future missions.

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Red Baron - PC Games
1990 - One of the great classic flight sims, Red Baron was a huge hit, still appearing in stores 7 years after its release. Though the flight model was simplified and did not aim to be a true simulator, many of the 20+ WWI planes one could fly had unique physics to simulate real world quirks.

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Aces of the Pacific - PC Games
1992 - In response to LucasArts' WWII flight sim trilogy (Battlehawks 1942, Battle of Britain, and Secret Weapons of Luftwaffe), Dynamix released Aces of the Pacific, a WWII flight simulator focused on the US/Japan theatre. This release introduced a lot of realism to the genre, with blackouts, weather effects, sun blind spots and mid-air collisions.

Prelude's rating:

1992 - This expansion disk for Aces of the Pacific was based on classified military plans, that if WWII did not end in 1945 and continued to rage on longer against Japan, what future missions and campaigns were planned. The disk also includes several new planes (included both a Japanese and US Navy jet) that were planned and prototyped at the end of the war.

Aces of the Deep - PC Games
1994 - Dynamix
The last of the 'Aces' installments by Dynamix, you are placed in command of a German U-Boat in WWII, with task of destroying as much Allied shipping possible. There's also historical mission where you can re-enact the role of some of the greatest German U-boat captains.
The last of the 'Aces' installments by Dynamix, you are placed in command of a German U-Boat in WWII, with task of destroying as much Allied shipping possible. There's also historical mission where you can re-enact the role of some of the greatest German U-boat captains.

Command: Aces of the Deep - PC Games
1995 - Dynamix / Sierra
A Windows95 re-released of Aces of the Deep, Command addes higher resolution graphics as well as integrates into the game an expansion pack along with two new U-boats.
A Windows95 re-released of Aces of the Deep, Command addes higher resolution graphics as well as integrates into the game an expansion pack along with two new U-boats.

Aces: The Complete Collector's Edition - PC Games
1995 - This special release includes all of Dynamix's early 90s Great War Planes series, released on one CD.

Silent Thunder : A-10 Tank Killer II - PC Games
Feb. 1996 - The sequel to 1990's A-10 Tank Killer brings high quality SVGA graphics to this detailed and realistic simulator. Only one aircraft is available to be flown; the famous A-10 Warthog, the ultimate close air support (CAS) aircraft, specialized a destroying tanks with its unique 30mm Gatling gun which fires over 50 rounds per second.

Red Baron with Mission Builder - PC Games
1997 - Seven years after its release, Red Baron was still selling well, as a budget-priced jewel case version with the Mission Builder included.
Red Baron II - PC Games
Nov. 1997 - The sequel to Red Baron was a year late and rushed to market in time for christmas, resulting in a very buggy release with many planned features left out. The flight model was broken, enabling WWI planes to climb like WWII fighters. Online multiplayer was present, but so flawed that few found success to get it to work. It's no wonder Sierra rushed Red Baron 3D a year later, with all issues resolved, flight model corrected, and people who bought RBII to get a free upgrade.

Pro Pilot - PC Games
Nov. 1997 - Pro Pilot was an attempt by Dynamix to compete with Microsoft's Flight Simulator series, in part thanks to some of SubLOGIC's design team joining them after Sierra bought out the flight sim pioneers. But in order to compete with FS'98, Pro Pilot was rushed to market, leaving the public with an unfinished, buggy and unpolished simulator.

Aces: Collection Series - PC Games
Dec. 1997 - A collector's edition on 2 CDs which contain all the award-winning classic simulators from Dynamix's glory years.

Red Baron 3D - PC Games
Oct. 1998 - Red Baron 3D is a heavily patched version of Red Baron II. It gave better graphics and vastly improved the flight model, and added support for 3Dfx video cards. It's also seen as the first online simulator capable of team play, with dozens of online virtual squadrons being formed, along with an active community of modders. Its automatic mission generator was also brilliant and unique among other flight sims.

Pro Pilot '99 - PC Games
Oct. 1998 - A drastic improvement to the original Pro Pilot flight simulator, it had some nice unique features, but still lacked behind MS Flight Simulator 98 and never gain mass market appeal. And with a much hyped FS 2000 coming soon, the Pro Pilot series' days were numbered.

Curse You! Red Baron - PC Games
Oct. 1999 - Dynamix, in an attempt to appeal more to the masses, decided to make an arcade WWI flying game as a spin-off from its Red Baron series. The results were disastrous. Critics left scathing reviews of the game, saying graphics were ugly and very 2D, flight model was shoddy, gameplay was boring, and worst of all, zero joystick support.

Pro Pilot 2000 - PC Games
Nov. 1999 - This (along with the pathetic Curse You! Red Baron) was Dynamix's last foray into flight simulators. They made a couple more budget games and rushed a very buggy Tribes 2 to market before Sierra, their parent company, scuttled the Dynamix design team during its restructuring with Vivendi Universal.
I grew up on most of these old school flight simulators, so I thought i'd add them to Listal for all to share. Many of the old ones like Red Baron, Aces of the Pacific and Aces over Europe are now released as freeware/abandonware so check them out.
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