Disney Animated Movies
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A direct-to-video sequel to the animated version of 101 Dalmatians.
Bambi II (2006)
Released 64 years after the original. It had a theater premiere in Argentina, but was released directly on video in the United States.
Direct-to-video movie taking place during the timeline of the original movie.
Puceron's rating:

This direct-to-video movie also takes place during the timeline of the original Beauty and the Beast.
Direct-to-video sequel to Cinderella, released 52 years later.
This direct-to-video sequel to Cinderella received much better reception from the critics than the second installment of the series.
Der Fuehrer's Face (1943)
This 1943 animated film, starring Donald Duck, was an anti-nazi propaganda piece.
Direct-to-video sequel to The Hunchback of Notre Dame, criticized for its low animation quality.
The Jungle Book 2 (2003)
Direct-to-video sequel to The Jungle Book, not based on the actual second book by Rudyard Kipling.
Direct-to-video sequel to Lady and the Tramp, released 46 years later.
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This list includes all animated full-length movies by Disney, even direct-to-video horrible sequels.
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