A Tribute To Roger Cicero
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Beziehungsweise - Roger Cicero
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Das Experiment
Wovon träumst du nachts
Ich hätt' so gern noch Tschüss gesagt
Artgerecht - Roger Cicero
Nicht Artgerecht
I could only find this live version but this song is really good.
I couldn't find any version sang by Roger but this is a very nice Cover of his song.
In Diesem Moment - Roger Cicero
Für nichts auf dieser Welt
In diesem Moment
Was weißt du schon von mir
Was immer auch kommt - Roger Cicero
Wenn es morgen schon zu Ende wär'
Du bist mein Sommer
Frag nicht wohin
Roger Cicero
(July 6, 1970 - March 24, 2016)Roger Cicero was a famous german jazz and pop singer who died very unexpectedly a few days ago. I have been a fan of his music for more than 6 years. I know that many foreign people can find the german language hard, loud and not appealing. What I really like about his music is of course his smooth and emotional voice but also the mix of witty and fun lyrics. His music was relatable, touched you in all the right ways and I could listen to it on repeat. Most of his music is in german but since he was a big fan of jazz and Frank Sinatra in particular he recently recorded a whole tribute album to him in english. I would be happy if some of my friends on here would check a few of his songs out just to get a feeling for how beautiful german music can be.