Chris Benoit
Birth Name: Christopher Michael Benoit
Born: 21 May 1967 Died: 24 June 2007
Country of origin: Canada
Height: 5' 11"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Nancy Daus-Sullivan
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Rating: | 197 Watched |
Rating: | 88 Watched |
Rating: | 60 Watched |
Rating: | 59 Watched |
Rating: | 50 Watched |
Rating: | 64 Watched |
Rating: | 15 Watched |
Update feed
"Chris Benoit (1-reign)April 2, 2000 - May 2, 2000 (32 days)This was a two-fall triple threat match, also involving Chris Jericho, in which Kurt Angle defended both championships. The person to get the first fall won the Intercontinental Championship and the person to score the second fall won the European Championship; Benoit scored the first fall to win the Intercontinental Championship.WWE recognizes Benoit's reign as ending on May 4, 2000, when the following episode aired on tape delay. They "
"Chris Benoit (1st-reign)August 9, 1999 - September 12, 1999 (42 days)"
"Born: May 21, 1967Died: June 24, 2007 (aged 40)Cause of Died: Suicide by hanging"
"Chris Benoit (1st reign)March 14, 2004 - August 15, 2004 (154 days)This was a triple threat match, also involving Shawn Michaels."
" "After the first time I ever went to a professional wrestling match, not only did I know I wanted to be a wrestler, I knew I wanted to be the Dynamite Kid. No other wrestler compares to him, or the impression he left on me." "The Dynamite Kid always treated me with respect and was always very honest with me." "His matches with Tiger Mask in Japan were 20 years ago, but if they took place today people would still be going crazy for them." "
" “You get guys like the Undertaker. A couple tours ago, we were overseas, and he was wrestling with broken ribs. Coughing up blood and still going out there and still going out there and doing twenty minutes. I mean, just amazing. The guy loves the business. He doesn’t have to be doing that.” On whether ‘Taker would be like Hulk Hogan and come back just for the payout: “If he did, it wouldn’t be for a big payout it’d be because he loves it. It’d be for the passion.”"
""The Rabid Wolverine" Chris Beniot (1st reign) January 16, 2000 *VACATED - January 17, 2000*"
""The Rabid Wolverine" Chris Beniot (1st reign) April 2, 2000 - May 2, 2000 "Y2J" Chris Jericho (3rd reign) May 2, 2000 - May 8, 2000 "The Rabid Wolverine" Chris Beniot (2nd reign) May 8, 2000 - June 20, 2000"