Ally Sheedy
Birth Name: Alexandra Elizabeth Sheedy
Age: 62, born 13 June 1962
Country of origin: United States
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 5"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: David Lansbury
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Ally Sheedy Videos
Rating: | 3195 Watched |
Rating: | 888 Watched |
Rating: | 677 Watched |
Rating: | 730 Watched |
Rating: | 511 Watched |
Rating: | 394 Watched |
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"Movies:• High Art (1998) : Dies of a heroin overdose. We learn of her death afterwards when Bill Sage informs Radha Mitchell. • Shelter Island (2003) : Shot in the chest by Patsy Kensit while Ally is attacking Stephen Baldwin. TV:• Psych: The Musical (2013) : Stabbed in the stomach with her own knife by Donovan Stinson during a fight in a theater. She dies while talking to to James Roday and Dule Hill."
"Alexandra Elizabeth Sheedy13 January 1962Sheedy has 1 child:• Rebecca Elizabeth Lansbury (1994);"
"Alexandra Elizabeth SheedyAmerican Former Actress & Author• Irish;• German;• Ashkenazi Jewish; "