Ink (2009)
list by Vandelay

list by ToonHead2102

list by AFIoscar
list by Lyzette

Ink Videos
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A nice low budget film, worth a watch.
It IS a low budget film and it really shows through in a lot of the scenes but making any movie now-a-days for less than 250,000 dollars will make any film look like a Sci-Fi channel made for TV movie.
I have to mention the music in this film as it really sets the mood throughout the film, dark and melancholy Jamin Wina... read more

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"Es una película de fantasía independiente.Se desarrolla en un mundo real y uno onírico. La otra dimensión esta dominada por dos fuerzas contrarias y que se manifiestan en el mundo real. Todo se concentra en la vida amargada de un padre que esta a punto de perder a su hija.A lo largo de la película explicaran sus razones que lo llevaron a convertirse en el antagonista principal y si aun tiene la oportunidad de cambiar. Mientras que las dos fuerzas del otro plano luchan entre sí por la custo"

"Invisible forces exert power over us in our sleep. A mercenary named Ink, on a literal nightmare mission, captures the spirit of 8-year-old Emma in the dream world. To save her, the dream-givers marshal all their resources, focusing on saving the soul of Emma’s tragically broken father. One of the most unique and interesting movies you'll ever get to see. It's got a dark atmosphere to it but it also has a warm feeling to it at the same time. The story was easy to follow but wasn't simple enou"