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Showing 1-50 of 240
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Rewatches 31/240
Saw in Theatre 15/240
Favourite First Time Watches:
1. Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
2. Viy
3. Ingrid Goes West
4. The Ritual
5. The Love Witch
6. Pretty Baby
7. The Shape of Water
8. Hereditary
9. Robin Redbreast
10. Beauty and the Beast (1946)
11. Rift
12. Ghost watch
13. Black Moon
14. The Other Boleyn Girl
15. Women in Love
16. What ever Happened to Baby Jane?
17. The Salem Witch Trials
18. Alucarda
19. Christopher Robin
20. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4
Saw in Theatre 15/240
Favourite First Time Watches:
1. Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
2. Viy
3. Ingrid Goes West
4. The Ritual
5. The Love Witch
6. Pretty Baby
7. The Shape of Water
8. Hereditary
9. Robin Redbreast
10. Beauty and the Beast (1946)
11. Rift
12. Ghost watch
13. Black Moon
14. The Other Boleyn Girl
15. Women in Love
16. What ever Happened to Baby Jane?
17. The Salem Witch Trials
18. Alucarda
19. Christopher Robin
20. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4
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54 votes
All "Watched in 2018" lists on Listal
(280 lists)list by Triggerhappy6
Published 6 years, 10 months ago
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