There Was a Father (Chichi ariki)
list by Villiana

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list by Ruisperkele

list by CD Smiles

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“(OK) It takes some time to get in Ozu, because there´s an entire life pictured in the ellipsis and silence between the encounters father and son... passion is so cooled off in Ozu, but happyness is triunphant in the fishing scenes, as sadness is pictured in the boy crying in off...” read more

"1.3 Ozu/Japani Ozun tuotannon virstanpylväänä, virranjakajana miten vain pidetään yleensä vuoden 1949 Myöhäistä Kevättä, jonka paaluttamia perusperiaatteita Ozu varioi vähenevin muuttujin uransa loppuun asti. Tällaisen myytin nielleenä vuoden 1942 Olipa Kerran Isä kostautui yllätykseksi sen överiozumaisen tyylin tähden. Siinä missä Myöhäisessä Keväässäkin Ozu riehuu kamera-ajojen kanssa, on tässä kamera naulattu kuvasta kuvaan loppukauden töistä tuttuun paikkaansa "

"Horikawa is a widower, a teacher, and a good father to Ryohei, who's about 10. After a tragedy, Horikawa resigns from teaching and takes Ryohei from Tokyo to the town of Ueno, enrolling him in junior high; to the lad's sorrow, he will be a boarder. Horikawa returns to work in Tokyo, their separation is complete. Jump ahead more than ten years: with dad's help, Ryohei has finished college and has a teaching job in Akita. Horikawa considers living with his son, which Ryohei wants, but the elder's "

"Directed by: Yasujiro Ozu Shuhei Horikawa, a poor schoolteacher, struggles to raise his son Ryohei by himself, despite neither money nor prospects."