After Life (1998) (Wandafuru Raifu)
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After Life (1998) Videos
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After Life (1998)
Leaving aside personal beliefs, "After Life" is an interesting reflection on life after death. His base argumen... read more
UPC: 717119733049
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" Date: 3/2/2021 Viewed: Youtube Re-Watch Note: Unlike the other movies from Hirokazu Koreeda, I actually have seen this movie before. I first saw it back in the early 2000s and I remember not liking it. Over the past 20 years, I have seen more movies from Hirokazu Koreeda and he has become one of my favorite filmmakers. I was hoping to like this movie now than I did back in 2001. I do think After Life aka Wonderful Life is a good movie, but it's not my favorite movie from Hirokazu Koreeda. Th"
"11.2 Kore-Eda/Japani Tuonpuoleisen odotushuoneessa puhutaan hämärissä huoneissa. Vainajilla on viikko aikaa päättää minkä elämänsä hetken, minkä muiston kanssa viettää ikuisuuden toisella puolen. Saa valita vain yhden. Tuonpuoleisen sijaan elokuva käsittelee just eikä melkein ja vain ja ainoastaan tätä puolta. Tavallisten elämien tavalliset hetket ja ne kokeneet tavalliset ihmiset ovat elokuvan varsinainen aihe. Muutamissa kohtauksissa materiaali ylittää itsensä ja saa poh"
"Directed by: Hirokazu Koreeda After death, people have just one week to choose only a memory to keep for eternity."
"March 4th Directed by: Hirokazu Koreeda Koreeda is a master of little details, small gestures, everyday items, and this film, his second fiction feature, displays and maybe explains his philosophy regarding details. What a wonderful concept, the recently deceased must choose one memory to hang onto for eternity. Rather than an event, more often than not we find characters choosing a moment, something the living might find insignificant, be it a feeling, a smell, a glance, we get to know a vast"