UPDATE Life Status Toonhead III
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Stranger Things (2016)
This has sure been a long time since my last update. Lol. How's everybody been? For those of whom have been with me since the beginning, however many left of ya there are. I figure an 'explanation' of sorts is in order to explain my absence from the site since the world ended circa March 2020, anybody remember that? Now I'm not here to get political or pick out my opinions on that whole hot mess. If anyone wants to do any poo flinging in the comments section I won't try and stop ya, though I don't condone any personal attacks.
But anyway, I just mention that cause hot damn, it's hard to come to terms with how long it's been. You'd think with the whole world under martial law, sorry, 'lockdown', this user would have been more encouraged to spend MORE of his freetime on sites like this one. But sadly, I found myself strangely 'detached' from everything for the past 4 years. I won't get into the fine details but I actually had an extraordinary adventure that inspired personal growth just before the WHO shut it all down. And maybe some other time I'll go more into that, unless there's popular demand in the comments. The story involves an impromptu road trip to the other side of the country, with a bunch of French Canadian hippies, right around the time the first people were starting to get sick. And what a wild experience THAT was?
But instead, I'd more like to share with you all exactly where I'm 'at' at the moment. Since it seems like ever since the shut downs my life's been on pause for the past 4 years and I've come to the point where I'm starting to get restless, like I really ought to figure out how to get it jump started again so I can get back to where I was in 2019. But anyway, those of you who know me know what this is about, but for those are are newbies to Listal and my profile, I'm briefly explain. This is all personal stuff. A way to thank my friends and followers and forge a connection with everyone, and as I've already stated in the above, a way to offer up an explanation for why I haven't been as involved as I once was. I know I know I keep saying I'm gonna do some work on some of my lists with updates pending. I still plan to piddle around on the site from time to time but my free time is limited these days. And I have to do things 'piecemeal'.
Y'see, earlier this year in my private life, my dad suffered a mild stroke. My fam and I woke up one day out of the blue and when we went to talk with my dad, every time he spoke in response all that would come out was gibberish. This naturally freaked us out but oddly, we didn't clue in that something was wrong till I texted a friend of mine and she told my mom to call the paramedics cause my dad was having a stroke. They hauled him away to the hospital and ran all sorts of tests on my dad and inevitable they concluded what we all already knew in that he had suffered a stroke on the left side, which effects the mental faculties as supposed to the physical functions, which would happen if it were on the right side. My dad had to relearn how to speak, and sometimes suffers brain fog and various other neurological issues. While these tests were done on my dad the doctors and nurses ended up finding 3 NEW things wrong with the man that we didn't even know about. Such as he has a heart murmur, he's been officially diagnosed the Parkinson's, and he has pretty advanced 'prostate cancer'. So yeah, we got hit with the Big Whammy!! The docs told my dad that because of his age and physical health the prospect of doing some sort of surgery on his prostate was inadvisable. For a while there, it looked like he would be wearing a catheter and bag on himself for the rest of his natural life? The first few initial months was a really ROUGH period in our lives, especially my mom. The amount of care and expensive equipment that was gonna be needed to accommodate my dad was a bit overwhelming on my mom but thankfully we had a gracious aunt who volunteered to take my dad into her home for a while. And she lived in another city. I could go on but really I'm tired of talking about it so much to others, and by now I'm sure most or all of you get the picture. So yeah, I've been a bit 'distracted' MAJORLY this year, and omg, the New Year is coming and I can't wait to get this shitty year over with and hopefully on to new horizons and a brighter 2025...
This has sure been a long time since my last update. Lol. How's everybody been? For those of whom have been with me since the beginning, however many left of ya there are. I figure an 'explanation' of sorts is in order to explain my absence from the site since the world ended circa March 2020, anybody remember that? Now I'm not here to get political or pick out my opinions on that whole hot mess. If anyone wants to do any poo flinging in the comments section I won't try and stop ya, though I don't condone any personal attacks.
But anyway, I just mention that cause hot damn, it's hard to come to terms with how long it's been. You'd think with the whole world under martial law, sorry, 'lockdown', this user would have been more encouraged to spend MORE of his freetime on sites like this one. But sadly, I found myself strangely 'detached' from everything for the past 4 years. I won't get into the fine details but I actually had an extraordinary adventure that inspired personal growth just before the WHO shut it all down. And maybe some other time I'll go more into that, unless there's popular demand in the comments. The story involves an impromptu road trip to the other side of the country, with a bunch of French Canadian hippies, right around the time the first people were starting to get sick. And what a wild experience THAT was?
But instead, I'd more like to share with you all exactly where I'm 'at' at the moment. Since it seems like ever since the shut downs my life's been on pause for the past 4 years and I've come to the point where I'm starting to get restless, like I really ought to figure out how to get it jump started again so I can get back to where I was in 2019. But anyway, those of you who know me know what this is about, but for those are are newbies to Listal and my profile, I'm briefly explain. This is all personal stuff. A way to thank my friends and followers and forge a connection with everyone, and as I've already stated in the above, a way to offer up an explanation for why I haven't been as involved as I once was. I know I know I keep saying I'm gonna do some work on some of my lists with updates pending. I still plan to piddle around on the site from time to time but my free time is limited these days. And I have to do things 'piecemeal'.
Y'see, earlier this year in my private life, my dad suffered a mild stroke. My fam and I woke up one day out of the blue and when we went to talk with my dad, every time he spoke in response all that would come out was gibberish. This naturally freaked us out but oddly, we didn't clue in that something was wrong till I texted a friend of mine and she told my mom to call the paramedics cause my dad was having a stroke. They hauled him away to the hospital and ran all sorts of tests on my dad and inevitable they concluded what we all already knew in that he had suffered a stroke on the left side, which effects the mental faculties as supposed to the physical functions, which would happen if it were on the right side. My dad had to relearn how to speak, and sometimes suffers brain fog and various other neurological issues. While these tests were done on my dad the doctors and nurses ended up finding 3 NEW things wrong with the man that we didn't even know about. Such as he has a heart murmur, he's been officially diagnosed the Parkinson's, and he has pretty advanced 'prostate cancer'. So yeah, we got hit with the Big Whammy!! The docs told my dad that because of his age and physical health the prospect of doing some sort of surgery on his prostate was inadvisable. For a while there, it looked like he would be wearing a catheter and bag on himself for the rest of his natural life? The first few initial months was a really ROUGH period in our lives, especially my mom. The amount of care and expensive equipment that was gonna be needed to accommodate my dad was a bit overwhelming on my mom but thankfully we had a gracious aunt who volunteered to take my dad into her home for a while. And she lived in another city. I could go on but really I'm tired of talking about it so much to others, and by now I'm sure most or all of you get the picture. So yeah, I've been a bit 'distracted' MAJORLY this year, and omg, the New Year is coming and I can't wait to get this shitty year over with and hopefully on to new horizons and a brighter 2025...
ToonHead2102's rating:
So yeah, I just thought I'd let everyone know where I'm currently 'at' in life, not as a way to bitch but just to share. Like I said, I've done this thing a couple times before, and for those who are new I'll provide links in the description to catch y'all up on who I am as a person. But yeah, think of this like a journal of sorts. I don't mind sharing my personal shit with everyone here, and if anyone feels comfortable with the idea feel free to use my comments as a way to share any stories anyone else has about life after covid. What were YOUR last 4 years like?? Thank you all for reading if you've made it this far (my cat Carmen just took my chair behind me as I stood up to write this all to you -- knew that was gonna happen) and if there is any popular demand for it in the comments I'll give another life update this time sooner than later. Love and peace and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Hippie New Year to you all... Go smoke some 'holiday cheer' ;-D ;-)))
This isn't really a 'list' per se, just a diary of sorts. And a way to connect with my followers/friends here.
UPDATE Life Status Toonhead II
UPDATE Personal Life of Toonhead
UPDATE Life Status Toonhead II
UPDATE Personal Life of Toonhead
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