TV Shows I Like
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Lizzie McGuire (2001)
I just rewatched this whole show for the first time since I was in elementary school, and loved almost every minute of it! Lizzie is a sweet, likable protagonist who is easy to root for, and so is her best friend Gordo. Though Miranda is more flawed, her personality is realistic of a girl trying to find her way in middle school, so you can root for her too. Lizzie' s brother Matt is as hilarious as he is weird, and her parents are funny too. And the side characters are entertaining, particularly the hilarious Ethan Craft. Sometimes Lizzie can be TOO good of a person, which can be hard to watch sometimes, just because I don't like injustice, and sometimes Lizzie takes blame for things she didn't do just to make her peers happy. But rewatching this show made it easy to see why Hilary Duff was my role model as a child.
I'm so excited that I've finally started watching this show today. I've seen four episodes now and really love it. I like it more than the movie from a decade ago, even though I will still always like that movie. But I like this series more, as television shows don't rush things as much as movies do, and this series is more faithful to the books. Despite being a gloomy story, watching this show is really fun, reminding me how fun it was to read the books when I was little. It makes me want to reread the books, which have influenced my writing themes and style over the years.
I like this show a lot despite a few problems with it. I like that this show is fairly relaxing to watch as opposed to most shows that are highly stressful and have life-or-death stakes. I like how this show has eleven seasons because it makes you feel like you've gotten to know the cast very well. And when this show is clever and funny, it's hilarious! But a few low points are how most if not all of the main characters have very mean, unlikable moments. The protagonist is the most unlikable, and is difficult to root for, but the other characters have their moments too. It's hard to watch full-grown, middle-aged or older people behave like immature teenagers. It's also off putting how the main character is glaringly arrogant, constantly stating how attractive he finds himself and getting an unrealistic amount of girlfriends, despite not being extremely manly or classically sexy. And there's the fact that every time Frasier gets in a relationship, he screws it up in a stupid, seemingly preventable way that seems idiotic for someone supposed to be so smart. This would all be fine if he were to learn to be a better person by the end of the show, but there didn't seem to be much growth at the end. The thing I hate the most about the main character is the horrible things he says about his father's dog Eddie. If you love dogs like I do, the things Frasier says about dogs will probably upset you too. But again, there is a lot of good in the show. Roz and Daphne are generally nicer than most of the other characters, and the romance between Niles and Daphne is gripping once it gets to seasons seven through nine. Ten is probably my favorite season. But like Frasier having an unrealistic amount of girlfriends, Roz has an unrealistic amount of boyfriends. I'm being too hard on this show though because I actually really love it, and some of my favorite hilarious moments from comedy come from it. Also I think Kelsey Grammer is a great actor who plays his character really well, and is extraordinarily funny, especially when Frasier is the butt of the joke. I've really liked this show for seven years so obviously it's done something right.
I say this list is of the shows that I haven't changed my mind about liking, but that doesn't mean I don't have any issues with any of them. It just isn't enough to make me stop liking a show that I think is wonderful and creative otherwise. My problem with this show is one of the main problems I have with "Once Upon A Time." They ALWAYS think it's a good idea to redeem horrible people, er, ponies. First they want to redeem a mean-spirited, manipulative god of chaos. Then they easily redeem bullies like Sunset Shimmer, Babs Seed, Gilda, and Diamond Tiara. As a victim of bullying throughout my school years, I can't imagine ANY of the people who tormented me becoming friends. But I was able to get past all that because I love the show and main characters so much. That was until they added a certain member to their main group of friends: a stalker who held them prisoner and brainwashed them. Unfortunately, I have stopped watching the show since they started making that character a protagonist. But I decided to put this show on my list of shows I like and not ones that disappointed me because I love all the good that happened before that. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are two of my favorite characters in all of fiction. The world the characters live in is colorful and extremely creative. It blends fantasy and realistic fiction surprisingly well, and also modern with sort of a steampunk-vintage at times. The adventures and pop culture references are interesting and fun. I only wish that this show that claims to be about friendship values and acceptance would focus on helping shy and/or decent characters who deserve kindness and not on redeeming assholes. I love almost everything about it though. I love the unexpected things like how the extroverted athlete Rainbow Dash is very protective of the shy, insecure Fluttershy. It is easy to see why people think this show would only be for children, since it's about cute, colorful ponies, but the truth is that the relationships between characters and plots are so complex that it's more of a show for adults. The variety of settings is entertaining, expanding from fairy tale castles to cities and small western towns.
Kim Possible (2002)
This is probably my favorite animated series on Disney Channel of all time (not counting Disney XD, in which case it would be Gravity Falls). It helps that this show pretty much is my childhood. I watched it when I was really happy. But aside from that, this show was never boring with its variety of settings, villains, side characters, and plots.
Obviously I will always prefer "That's So Raven," and now seeing Chelsea and Raven as mothers of children ten years or older makes me feel old and also nostalgic for the first show when they were in middle and high school and I was in elementary, lol. But I've watched all the episodes so far of this new show and I actually really enjoy it! I watched most of them in one day, one after the other because I liked it so much. That is so rare in a world where sequels, remakes, and reboots are almost always disappointing. But Raven and Chelsea are just as funny as they always were, their kids are funny too, and I already have some memorable, quotable, favorite comedic moments from this show. And even though Raven and Devon are divorced, I was really pleased when I found out he was the father of her children. #OTP
Star vs. the Forces of Evil (2012)
I feel bad because I've fallen so far behind in watching this show. I don't think I watched past the end of season one. Life gets in the way. But I really enjoyed what I watched of this show. Some of the animation is really beautiful and you want to be there in that world. The best example of this is that awesome water slide Star created. I also think this show is really funny, and Star is adorable. I would love to cosplay as her one day.
Okay, so I don't watch this show THAT much nor have I seen that many episodes, but I liked the episodes I DID watch. They had really funny moments and were entertaining, so I would probably like the whole show if I watched it.
Barney & Friends (1992)
I know this show is for really little kids, but it was one of the first shows to inspire my creativity and imagination. I loved the Christmas episodes where they went to the North Pole, and when they threw big Halloween parties or explored the beach and under the sea, or an enchanted island and on a ship. Most of the episodes of this show were extremely imaginative and inspirational. It was definitely one of my favorites growing up.
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These are the television shows that I have consistently liked and not changed my mind about throughout my life. Sometimes tv shows can be disappointing but those ones aren't on here. I like a lot of cartoons because I have had interest in becoming an animator or working on animated tv shows, but would also love to work on live action tv. I don't watch a lot of tv, which is why you won't see a lot of popular shows here. It's also why much of this list is comprised of shows I watched as a child, since that was when I watched the most television.
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