Top 10 things I will do in Grand Theft Auto V
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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - PlayStation 2
1. When waltzing through the game not doing missions. I will start chaos like running people over, starting something in a fast food place, etc. I will do that while this plays during the red covered madness. :)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - PlayStation 2
2. Fly around the whole map since planes are back.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Grand Theft Auto III - PlayStation 2
3. Climb up one of the mountains to do crazy stuff.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Grand Theft Auto IV - PlayStation 3
7. Watch anything weird when I'm at the beach like if a NPC gets attacked by a shark.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Grand Theft Auto - PlayStation
8. Exploring the ocean while dodging anything dangerous especially sharks.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories - PlayStation Portable
9. Do any of the optional missions like taxi, firefighter, and police chases.
LordDarkrai's rating:

Grand Theft Auto 2 - PC Games
10. Explore the whole map since the whole map is opened at the beginning.
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