The Evolution of Charles Chaplin
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This is Chaplin's only lost film as no copy is known to exist.Wikipedia
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This evolution was kinda depressing to do, because almost all of Chaplin's characters are the same Tramp. For that reason was also hardest thing to find the right movie pictures. So it's possible that I have put the wrong picture of the movie. Just feel free to say, if I've screwed up some point and I'll fix it (:
I know that this list is the time frustrating and boring to watch, because as I said most of the characters are Tramps. Until towards the end become more colorful characters. But I don't care how many people bother look at until the end or how many votes will be or complaints will be, but this is my thanks to legend, which completely changed my opinion about movies. This is a very small return the favor, thanks, whatever it is to him, however, this is my a tribute and a way of thanking him, legend.
Born: 16 April 1889
Died: 25 December 1977

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