Pixar: Best to Worst
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WALLยทE (2008)
By far Pixar's best film. It contains beautiful animation, an incredible and haunting story. Eva and Wall-E don't have to say much, as the animators rely of the characters body language to portray most of the emotion. One word, ingenious.
Lerschy's rating:

A technical achievement at the time, it revolutionized animation. Also it established Pixar's formula for great films including adult themes, enough charm for children, imagination, meticulous animation, great voice casting, memorable characters, and of course an original storyline.
Lerschy's rating:

The Incredibles (2004)
One of the more adult Pixar films, the Incredibles had great action for an animated film, but doesn't alienate the story and characters at the expense. It might be one of the best superhero movies ever made.
Lerschy's rating:

Finding Nemo (2003)
Not since the Little Mermaid has being 'under the sea' been so much fun. This father and son tale demonstrated Pixar's willingness to attempt darker film matter without alienating children. In the end it worked. Also, Ellen DeGeneres' forgetful Dory is probably one of the more memorable Pixar characters.
Lerschy's rating:

Up (2009)
The relationship between Carl Fredricksen and Russell is the highlight of this film, adding to film's great tradition of memorable duos. The film in a way is a technical achievement as well with its 3D release.
Lerschy's rating:

Ratatouille (2007)
One of the more clever and original Pixar films, it would be higher on this list, except for one issue: children probably won't get it.
Lerschy's rating:

Toy Story 2 (1999)
The follow up to Pixar's hit Toy Story, this is one of the better sequels in cinema history. While there are no real flaws in the film, sequels always seem to lose a touch of originality. This film does not do justice to Pixar's ability to create original stories, but does at least do justice to their ability of creating memorable ones.
Lerschy's rating:

Monsters, Inc. (2001)
Not one of Pixar's more technical achievements, the story is very original, but lacks the adult themes that make Pixar's other movies more memorable.
Lerschy's rating:

A Bug's Life (1998)
The second Pixar film was hardly a failure despite its low rating on this list. It demonstrated Pixar could make great films following huge hits (Toy Story). However, compared to films like Wall-E and Finding Nemo, this film seems average.
Lerschy's rating:

Cars (2006)
While not a bad film, this is the first Pixar film to sell-out. This film seemed catered to NASCAR fans and not general audiences like the other nine films on this list. Worst of all, Pixar is making a sequel.
Lerschy's rating:

Pixar Animation Studios has been one of the most prolific studios in animation over the past two decades. Combining detailed animation with excellent stories and memorable characters (not to mention great voice casting), Pixar has discovered a formula that doesn't seem to fail. This list is a look at the current ten Pixar films, ranking them from best to worst.
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