music in animation
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One of the best scenes in the entire series. Wonderfully animated and the music takes over the rest. It's just the music and the animation.
silent killer's rating:
This is why Kevin Conroy is the BEST Batman ever. He makes him more than just some guy who wears a cape and cowl and fights the bad guys. He does this too.
silent killer's rating:
Eureka Seven (2005)
Niji. Also known as the longest song in anime history. Basically, the scene where Renton became a man. But man, there was so much good music in this show.
silent killer's rating:
Kyoto Animation known for being a good animation studio was drawing crap for most of the show. Then episode twelve and this scene came and that's where all their budget went.
silent killer's rating:
BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad (2004)
The english dub of this show is so ridiculously good. But in some versions of the english dub there is a shittastic version of this concert scene that is better left forgotten.
silent killer's rating:
yeah okay, so the movie was a big wtf, but this is awesome.
silent killer's rating:
Adventure Time (2010)
What was missing.
yes adventure time is a kids show and they dropped that BASS.
silent killer's rating:
An Extremely Goofy Movie (2000)
Direct to DVD with smooth animation like this and a phat beat. Something somewhere went wrong at Disney.
silent killer's rating:
Legend of Black Heaven (1999)
Earth being saved by a power ballad. What else must be said.
silent killer's rating:
Macross has a million of these scenes.
silent killer's rating:
the whole movie is just music that has, bascially been animated.
silent killer's rating:
FLCL (2000)
pretty much all of FLCL is this, whatever my list is supposed to be about.
silent killer's rating:
yeah, this one might be a little nsfw. Transformation sequence for Panty and Stocking. And guess what. it's Gainax!
silent killer's rating:
Bubblegum Crisis (1987-1991) (2014)
Yeah, it's a cam, but two screens make it better.
silent killer's rating:
It's actually a pretty decent verse.
real beatboxer doing his thing. In a samurai anime.
silent killer's rating:
The Simpsons (1989)
had to get a bit creative for that last one, didn't they.
silent killer's rating:
The whole movie is this. From start to finish. With that being said, I'll just leave the last part of this OVA
silent killer's rating:
I couldn not think of a clever title and I can't really explain what I'm aiming at with thtis list clearly, so I'm just gonna let the music do the talking. If you think you get it, suggestions are welcome as always.
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