Best Siblings on TV (POLL)
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Showing 1-50 of 70
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Two and a Half Men (2003)
Charlie & Alan Harper
Total: 64 Points
TheKnight12 (4), bb90 (9), AtiusTirawa (9), pacificus (8), iknowthat (2), Surey (10), redrobin (10), Emmskie (5), JROCK1772 (6), Mr. Heisenberg (1)
Total: 64 Points
TheKnight12 (4), bb90 (9), AtiusTirawa (9), pacificus (8), iknowthat (2), Surey (10), redrobin (10), Emmskie (5), JROCK1772 (6), Mr. Heisenberg (1)

TheKnight12's rating:

Dean & Sam Winchester
Total: 62 Points
TheKnight12 (10), veganvoodoo (5), pacificus (7), iknowthat (5), Alice Grayson Wesker (10), Emmskie (10), JROCK1772 (5), Mr. Heisenberg (10)

Total: 62 Points
TheKnight12 (10), veganvoodoo (5), pacificus (7), iknowthat (5), Alice Grayson Wesker (10), Emmskie (10), JROCK1772 (5), Mr. Heisenberg (10)

TheKnight12's rating:

Malcolm in the Middle (2000)
Francis & Reese & Malcolm & Dewey Wilkerson
Total: 51 Points
bb90 (5), rewster (8), AtiusTirawa (8), onclelapin (4), redrobin (5), compcua (10), Jordan (9), Mr. Heisenberg (2)
Total: 51 Points
bb90 (5), rewster (8), AtiusTirawa (8), onclelapin (4), redrobin (5), compcua (10), Jordan (9), Mr. Heisenberg (2)

TheKnight12's rating:

Friends (1994)
Ross & Monica Geller
Total: 42 Points
TheKnight12 (1), bb90 (8), rewster (4), AtiusTirawa (2), pacificus (10), iknowthat (9), Jordan (8)

Total: 42 Points
TheKnight12 (1), bb90 (8), rewster (4), AtiusTirawa (2), pacificus (10), iknowthat (9), Jordan (8)

TheKnight12's rating:

The Simpsons (1989)
Bart & Lisa Simpson
Total: 41 Points
bb90 (4), AtiusTirawa (10), compcua (9), JROCK1772 (10), Mr. Heisenberg (8)
Total: 41 Points
bb90 (4), AtiusTirawa (10), compcua (9), JROCK1772 (10), Mr. Heisenberg (8)

TheKnight12's rating:

The Vampire Diaries (2009)
Stefan & Damon Salvatore
Total: 38 Points
TheKnight12 (7), iknowthat (7), Surey (7), Alice Grayson Wesker (4), Emmskie (9), JROCK1772 (3)
Total: 38 Points
TheKnight12 (7), iknowthat (7), Surey (7), Alice Grayson Wesker (4), Emmskie (9), JROCK1772 (3)

TheKnight12's rating:

Dexter (2006)
Dexter & Debra Morgan
Total: 36 Points
TheKnight12 (5), bb90 (1), rewster (5), AtiusTirawa (4), pacificus (3), Alice Grayson Wesker (8), Emmskie (7), Mr. Heisenberg (3)

Total: 36 Points
TheKnight12 (5), bb90 (1), rewster (5), AtiusTirawa (4), pacificus (3), Alice Grayson Wesker (8), Emmskie (7), Mr. Heisenberg (3)

TheKnight12's rating:

The Originals (2013)
Niklaus, Elijah & Rebekah Mikaelson
Total: 29 Points
TheKnight12 (8), iknowthat (3), Surey (9), Mr. Heisenberg (9)
Total: 29 Points
TheKnight12 (8), iknowthat (3), Surey (9), Mr. Heisenberg (9)

TheKnight12's rating:

Lincoln Burrows & Michael Scofield
Total: 29 Points
TheKnight12 (9), pacificus (9), iknowthat (4), Mr. Heisenberg (7)

Total: 29 Points
TheKnight12 (9), pacificus (9), iknowthat (4), Mr. Heisenberg (7)

TheKnight12's rating:

True Blood (2008)
Sookie & Jason Stackhouse
Total: 28 Points
TheKnight12 (2), bb90 (6), AtiusTirawa (5), veganvoodoo (9), iknowthat (6)

Total: 28 Points
TheKnight12 (2), bb90 (6), AtiusTirawa (5), veganvoodoo (9), iknowthat (6)

TheKnight12's rating:

Family Guy (1999)
Heroes (2006)
Married with Children (1987)
Charmed (1998)
Prue, Piper, Phoebe & Paige Halliwell
Total: 18 Points
bb90 (3), AtiusTirawa (6), Alice Grayson Wesker (5), redrobin (4)
Total: 18 Points
bb90 (3), AtiusTirawa (6), Alice Grayson Wesker (5), redrobin (4)

TheKnight12's rating:

Boy Meets World (1993)
Roseanne (1988)
Dan, D.J, Becky, & Darlene Conner
Total: 11 Points
onclelapin (7), Emmskie (4)

I couldn't find a picture with all the siblings without Roseanne being in it.
Total: 11 Points
onclelapin (7), Emmskie (4)

I couldn't find a picture with all the siblings without Roseanne being in it.
Only Fools and Horses (1981)
Speed Racer (1967)
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Here's a poll of the Best TV Siblings. Choose your top 10 Siblings choices and placed them down the comment section. They don't have to have the same surnames which can include any siblings such as full-blooded, half-blooded, step, and even adopted siblings.
Some siblings characters can be 2-5 people and you could either choose all siblings or just specific ones. For example you could choose either:
* Bart & Lisa Simpson or Bart, Lisa & Maggie Simpson.
* Niklaus & Elijah Mikaelson or Niklaus, Elijah & Rebekah Mikaelson.
* Reese & Malcolm Wilkerson or Francis & Reese & Malcolm & Dewey Wilkerson
If your choices are not on the list don't worry, I'll add them. Please put down the full names of the characters and the TV Show they are from. Also please make sure there are pictures of the siblings as some have been hard to find online. Some pictures may not be on Google so if the picture includes the parents then that would have to do.
1. TheKnight12
2. bb90
3. rewster
4. AtiusTirawa
5. veganvoodoo
6. pacificus
7. iknowthat
8. Surey
9. Alice Grayson Wesker
10. redrobin
11. Emmskie
12. compcua
13. JROCK1772
14. Jordan
15. Mr. Heisenberg
Here's a poll of the Best TV Siblings. Choose your top 10 Siblings choices and placed them down the comment section. They don't have to have the same surnames which can include any siblings such as full-blooded, half-blooded, step, and even adopted siblings.
Some siblings characters can be 2-5 people and you could either choose all siblings or just specific ones. For example you could choose either:
* Bart & Lisa Simpson or Bart, Lisa & Maggie Simpson.
* Niklaus & Elijah Mikaelson or Niklaus, Elijah & Rebekah Mikaelson.
* Reese & Malcolm Wilkerson or Francis & Reese & Malcolm & Dewey Wilkerson
If your choices are not on the list don't worry, I'll add them. Please put down the full names of the characters and the TV Show they are from. Also please make sure there are pictures of the siblings as some have been hard to find online. Some pictures may not be on Google so if the picture includes the parents then that would have to do.
1. TheKnight12
2. bb90
3. rewster
4. AtiusTirawa
5. veganvoodoo
6. pacificus
7. iknowthat
8. Surey
9. Alice Grayson Wesker
10. redrobin
11. Emmskie
12. compcua
13. JROCK1772
14. Jordan
15. Mr. Heisenberg
Added to
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