Anna Karenina (2012)
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Disappointing but still could've been worse.
An average movie

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"Cast Keira Knightley Jude Law Aaron Johnson Domhnall Gleeson Alicia Vikander 129min"
“Emotional depth gets lost in Joe Wright’s adaptation of Anna Karenina, but it sure is beautiful to stare at. Leo Tolstoy’s novel of familial disintegration and the romance that leads to its main character’s eventual destruction is no stranger to film, so you need a new hook to make your version standout. I’m not sure the hook for this one was the right choice. Tom Stoppard’s screenplay has designed Anna Karenina as taking place within a large proscenium theater with sets that collapse or move to reveal the next section. It’s a neat trick to be sure, but one that calls to much attention towards itself as the film goes on and saps the power away from the drama unfolding. It becomes a distracting exercise in watching actors trying not to fuck up their marks while masking that” read more

" Never read the novel, just got around to this version of the movie (my first version). I loved it. I'm a Keira Knightley fan and it may be because of her acting, it may be because of her eyes. I don't truly know. In any case, I'll pretty much see anything she's in just to find out if it's any good. I thought this one was. I loved the sordid affair and the descent into madness and the fact that the baby was mentioned, what, twice? Haha! I also loved the crazy sets in the background tha"