Michael Stuhlbarg
Age: 56, born 5 July 1968
Country of origin: United States
Currently Residing In: United States
Height: 5' 9"
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Mai-Linh Lofgren
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list by diabolical dr voodoo
Rating: | 1706 Watched |
Rating: | 1356 Watched |
Rating: | 1067 Watched |
Rating: | 860 Watched |
Rating: | 1064 Watched |
Rating: | 1256 Watched |
Rating: | 639 Watched |
Rating: | 646 Watched |
Rating: | 462 Watched |
Update feed
" Larry Gopnik - A Serious Man "The Uncertainty Principle. It proves we can't ever really know... what's going on. So it shouldn't bother you. Not being able to figure anything out. Although you will be responsible for this on the mid-term." "
" Mr. Perlman - Call Me by Your Name "We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new. But to make yourself feel nothing so as not to feel anything - what a waste!" Honorable Mentions: Dr. Robert Hoffstetler - The Shape of Water Abe Rosenthal - The Post "