Wide World of Animals...In Games
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A mammal is any vertebrate of the class Mammalia, having the body more or less covered with hair, nourishing the young with milk from the mammary glands, and, with the exception of the egg-laying monotremes, giving birth to live young.
ape's rating:

Final Fantasy IX - PlayStation

Hippaul, a hippopotamus
(sorry for the poor hippaul photo, you can only see the back of his head here. i'm actually in the process of making screens from this game right now, so i'll get a better hippaul photo up eventually.)
ape's rating:

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I thought I'd try and figure out what animals have all been used as main characters or notable side characters in video games, with only a few exceptions. I will only be using one animal per game...So in games with multiple animals, like Animal Crossing, only one character in the game will be chosen even if other, different animals are found within.
Also, that Noah fellow may have wanted two of each animal, but I'm only looking for one. So, Tom Nook and Sly Cooper are both raccoons, but only one will make the list.
Oh, and I'm purposely avoiding games based off of television shows and movies. If the game eventually became a television show or movie, that's fine...But I didn't want it to be out there first. Same goes for animal celebrities like Shamu. They may have their own game, but they shant be on the list. Same goes for Chester Cheetah, he gets enough press from his tasty, cheese-flavored snacks.
That being said, if you notice anything missing (which there are MANY of right now, which I'm in the process of adding as I think of 'em) feel free to send any and all suggestions my way. I still have a lot to add to this list, so it'll likely be a while before I consider it to be 'complete.'
Also, that Noah fellow may have wanted two of each animal, but I'm only looking for one. So, Tom Nook and Sly Cooper are both raccoons, but only one will make the list.
Oh, and I'm purposely avoiding games based off of television shows and movies. If the game eventually became a television show or movie, that's fine...But I didn't want it to be out there first. Same goes for animal celebrities like Shamu. They may have their own game, but they shant be on the list. Same goes for Chester Cheetah, he gets enough press from his tasty, cheese-flavored snacks.
That being said, if you notice anything missing (which there are MANY of right now, which I'm in the process of adding as I think of 'em) feel free to send any and all suggestions my way. I still have a lot to add to this list, so it'll likely be a while before I consider it to be 'complete.'
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Published 7 years, 4 months ago
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